
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

16. By Kenneth J. Pronovici

* Package a new DFSG-free upstream tarball (closes: #692733).
  - The new tarball removes non-free doc/pycon-epydoc.html
  - Remove debian/patches/remove-cc-by-nc-sa.patch; no longer needed
  - Add opts=dversionmangle in debian/watch per Lintian recommendation

15. By Kenneth J. Pronovici

* Update copyright date for Debian package files in debian/copyright.
* Remove non-free doc/pycon-epydoc.html from the package (closes: #692733).
  - Remove reference to doc/pycon-epydoc.html from debian/copyright
  - Add new patch debian/patches/remove-cc-by-nc-sa.patch

14. By Kenneth J. Pronovici

* Update to machine-readable debian/copyright file format, version 1.0.
* Bump standards version to; no packaging changes.
* Move to debhelper (>= 9) and debian/compat=9, which is the new standard.

13. By Kenneth J. Pronovici

* Stop depending on transitional gs-common package (closes: #649697).
  - Replace Recommends: gs-common with Recommends: ghostscript

12. By Kenneth J. Pronovici

* Bump standards version to; no packaging changes.
* Fix Lintian warning: debian-rules-missing-recommended-target
  - Restructure build, build-arch, build-indep targets in debian/rules
* Transition to dh_python2, since python-support is deprecated for Wheezy.
  - Replace Build-Depends: python-support with python-all in debian/control
  - Replace debian/pyversion with X-Python-Version: >= 2.1 in debian/control
  - Replace call to 'dh_pysupport -d' with 'dh_python2' in debian/rules
  - Replace python-support with pyshared in debian/cedar-backup2.install

11. By Kenneth J. Pronovici

* Bump standards version to (no packaging changes).
* Do a better job of handling special latex entries (closes: #614570).
  - Apply debian/patches/special-latex-entries.patch
  - Patch provided by Mike Gabriel <email address hidden>

10. By Kenneth J. Pronovici

* Revise manpages.patch based on better understanding of GROFF hyphens.
* Apply python26-tokenizer.patch to fix Epydoc tokenizer (closes: #590112).

9. By Kenneth J. Pronovici

* Tweak manpage syntax based on advice from Lintian (manpages.patch).
* Remove version numbers in Conflicts: to quiet Lintian.

8. By Kenneth J. Pronovici

* Tweak short description to better match official recommendations.
* Bump standards version to
* Add Homepage: tag in debian/control.
* Convert debian/copyright to new DEP-5 machine-readable format.
* Convert to source format "3.0 (quilt)"
  - Add new file debian/source/format
  - Add new patch debian/patches/mention-debian.patch
  - Add new patch debian/patches/remove-shebang.patch
  - Add new patch debian/patches/handle-docutils-0.6.patch
  - Add new patch debian/patches/string-exceptions.patch

7. By Kenneth J. Pronovici

* Replace deprecated string exception in apidoc.py (closes: #585290).
* Bump standards version to 3.8.4 (no packaging changes).

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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