
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

27. By a. Mennucc

* debdelta-upgrade: uses incorrect URL when requesting
   i386 debdeltas to upgrade amd64 (multiarch) host,
  thanks to Carlos Maddela (Closes: #692194).
* debdelta-upgrade: packages whose version number contains a colon not
  upgraded when using a proxy, thanks to Carlos Maddela (Closes: #691641).

26. By a. Mennucc

* debpatch, debdelta-upgrade : do not get confused by broken symlinks
* enable hardening flags

25. By a. Mennucc

* ship 2012 gpg public key (to verify deltas with debdelta-upgrade)
* correct typo in program message
* correct italian translation of program messages
  according to d-italian rules

24. By a. Mennucc

* update italian translation of program messages
* update and really ship French translation of program messages,
  thanks to Thomas Blein (Closes: #678329).

23. By a. Mennucc

* debdelta , debdeltas : autodetect (some) xz parameters for data.tar.xz
* debdelta-upgrade: --forensic=http is the default

22. By a. Mennucc

debdelta-upgrade: support multiarch

21. By a. Mennucc

* debdelta-upgrade/debpatch : new option --forensic,
   to report a log when a delta fails
* debdelta/debdeltas : new option --forensicdir,
   to store hashes to check above reports
* do not use hardcoded errno values,
  thanks to Pino Toscano (Closes: #640627).
* typo in Recommends: xz -> xz-utils,
  thanks to Eugene V. Lyubimkin (Closes: #641189).

20. By a. Mennucc

* support xz compression for data.tar part in .deb
  (only when defult compression is used)
* Bug fix: "FTBFS with binutils-gold", thanks to Angel Abad (Closes:
* Bug fix: "Do not wait forever the connection to server", thanks to
  Rodolphe Pelloux-Prayer (Closes: #636022).

19. By Angel Abad

* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/rules:
    + Fix linking with -lbz2 and -lz. (Closes: #633467)

18. By Bhavani Shankar

* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/rules:
    + Fix linking with -lbz2 and -lz.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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