- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/raring-proposed/buzztard
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 8. By Martin Pitt
debian/rules: Build with --disable-
deprecated to fix FTBFS due to
deprecated glib symbols. - 7. By Sebastian Dröge
* New upstream release:
+ debian/patches/ 01_COPYING- LGPL.patch,
debian/patches/ 02_var_ args-copy. patch,
debian/patches/ 03_omf- dir.patch:
- Dropped, merged upstream.
+ debian/control:
- Build-depend on GLib 2.16.
- Build-depend on GTK+ 2.14.
- Don't build-depend on gnomevfs.
- Build-depend on gst-buzztard / bml 0.6.0.
- Build-depend on gudev instead of hal (Closes: #612843).
+ debian/rules,
debian/buzztard. install,
- Ship the new buzztarddec GStreamer plugin for playing buzztard
songs from every GStreamer application. - 6. By Julian Taylor
* debian/
patches/ 04_fix- as-needed- build.patch:
- fix build with ld --as-needed (LP: #803173) - 5. By Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <email address hidden>
* Team upload.
* debian/control,
+ Temporarily disable the gir bindings, since they don't build
with gobject-introspection 0.10. - 4. By Sebastian Dröge
* debian/
patches/ 03_omf- dir.patch:
+ Fix path of the OMF file to allow yelp to actually find it.
* debian/control:
+ Use correct section for the library package.
* debian/patches/ 02_var_ args-copy. patch:
+ Patch from upstream SVN to fix FTBFS on architectures where
NULL is no valid va_list (Closes: #578475). - 3. By Sebastian Dröge
* debian/
libbuzztard0. shlibs:
+ Add shlibs file.
* debian/gir1.0- buzztard- 0.0.install:
+ Fix path of the typelib files.
* debian/buzztard- data.install,
debian/buzztard. install,
+ Move the .desktop file in the same package as
the binary.
* debian/buzztard- data.install,
debian/libbuzztard- dev.install,
+ Move the API documentation into the -dev package.
* debian/source/ format,
+ Use source format 3.0 (quilt).
* debian/libbuzztard0. install,
debian/lintian/ libbuzztard0:
+ Add lintian override for the shared library package name.
We have a single binary package for the two libraries
because they're tightly coupled. - 2. By Sebastian Dröge
* Initial upload to Debian (Closes: #507341).
* The package is based on Ubuntu package by A. Walton from
https://launchpad. net/~awalton/ +archive/ ppa
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/saucy/buzztard