
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

26. By Philip Muškovac

New upstream bugfix release (LP: #1085516)

25. By Philip Muškovac

New upstream release (LP: #1074747)

24. By Jonathan Riddell

New upstream bugfix release

23. By Harald Sitter

New upstream release

22. By Scott Kitterman

Revert incorrect build-dep version bump for libqt4-dev in last upload

21. By Jonathan Riddell

* Use direct build-depends versions rather than kde-sc-dev-latest
* New upstream release

20. By Scott Kitterman

* Additional changes from Debian:
  - Set minimum shared-desktop-ontologies build-depend version to (>= 0.8)
  - Drop redundant build-depend on python
  - Set miniumum python-all-dev build-depend version to (>= 2.6.6-3~)
  - Add python-dbg and python3-dbg to python-kde4-dbg and python3-kde4-dbg
  - Use sip3:Depends instead of sip:Depends for python3-pykde4
  - Remove unneeeded python:Provides and python3:Provides
  - Move dh_python3 override before dh_pyhon2

19. By Felix Geyer

[ Philip Muškovac ]
* Merge python3 changes with debian
  - drop cmake_no_bytecode.diff and instead build-depend on
    kdelibs5-dev >= 4:4.8.80 which now provides PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE
    to disable bytecode generation
  - use PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE in debian/rules
  - set X-Python3-Version: >= 3.2
* Bump standards version to 3.9.3, no changes required

[ Felix Geyer ]
* New upstream beta release.
* Add files to not-installed that are renamed by dh_python3.

18. By Philip Muškovac

Switch boost build-dep to 1.49

17. By Philip Muškovac

[ Jonathan Kolberg ]
* New upstream release

[ Philip Muškovac ]
* Add python3 support from Colin Watson
  - add python3-all-dev, python3-sip-de and python3-pyqt4 to build-depends
  - add new packages: python3-pykde4 python3-pykde4-dbg
  - add python3 support in rules
  - adjust python-kde4.install to only install python2 files
  - add cmake_no_bytecode.diff with a custom PythonMacros.cmake to work
    around PythonMacros.cmake from kde4libs breaking with python3

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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