
Created by James Westby and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/quantal/pokerth
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

23. By Evgeni Golov

* New upstream release.
* Drop fix-ftbfs-gcc-4.7-672007.patch, applied upstream.
* Refresh 03_use_--as-needed.patch.

22. By Evgeni Golov

* Fix FTBFS with GCC 4.7.
  Closes: #672007
* Standards-Version: 3.9.3

21. By Evgeni Golov

New upstream release.

20. By Evgeni Golov

New upstream bugfix release.

19. By Evgeni Golov

New upstream bugfix release.

18. By Evgeni Golov

* Team upload.

[ Mark Vejvoda ]
* New upstream release (Closes: #653466)
  - Works with the official servers (Closes: #654578)
  - Updated patches that apply to new release
  - updated copyrights

[ Paul Wise ]
* Drop README.source, no longer needed

[ Evgeni Golov ]
* Drop obsolete patches and those applied upstream:
  - 01_clean_libpokerth.patch
  - 02_use_dejavu_fonts.patch
  - 05_disable_gnu++0x.patch
  - 06_fix_gcc46_ftbfs.patch
  - 07_boost146_ftbfs_upstream.patch
  - 08_use_debian_libircclient.patch
  - 09_use_debian_libtinyxml.patch

17. By Felix Geyer

Rebuild for tinyxml 2.6.2.

16. By Evgeni Golov

* Fix FTBFS with gcc-4.6 by not passing -no_dead_strip_inits_and_terms
  on anything but MacOSX.
  Trivial patch by me (06_fix_gcc46_ftbfs.patch).
  LP: #770849
* Fix FTBFS with boost1.46 by forcing the v2 filesystem API.
  Patch by upstream (07_boost146_ftbfs_upstream.patch).
  Closes: #625022
* Don't use the internal copy of libtinyxml and libircclient.
  Adds two patches:
   - 08_use_debian_libircclient.patch
   - 09_use_debian_libtinyxml.patch
  And Build-depends on libtinyxml-dev and libircclient-dev.
* Add pokerth_db and pokerth_protocol to the clean patch.
* Standards-Version: 3.9.2

15. By Evgeni Golov

Upload to unstable.

14. By Evgeni Golov

* New upstream bugfix release.
* Add 05_disable_gnu++0x.patch to fix FTBFS on Ubuntu.
* Drop 04_fix_build_no_add_neded.patch, applied upstream.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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