- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/quantal/nova
Branch merges
Branch information
- Owner:
- Ubuntu branches
- Status:
- Mature
Recent revisions
- 94. By Chuck Short
[ Adam Gandelman ]
* Move management of /var/lib/nova/volumes from nova-common to
nova-volume. Ensure it has proper permissions. (LP: #1065320)
* debian/patches/ avoid_setuptool s_git_dependenc y.patch: Remove
setuptools_git from tools/pip-requires to avoid it being automatically
added to python-nova's runtime dependencies. (LP: #1059907)[ Chuck Short ]
* debian/patches/ rbd-security. patch: Support override of ceph rbd
user and secret in nova-compute. (LP: #1065883)
* debian/patches/ ubuntu/ fix-libvirt- firewall- slowdown. patch: Fix
refreshing of security groups in libvirt not to block on RPC calls.
(LP: #1062314)
* debian/patches/ ubuntu/ fix-ec2- volume- id-mappings. patch: Read deleted
snapshot and volume id mappings. (LP: #1065785) - 93. By Chuck Short
patches/ ubuntu/ ubuntu- fix-ec2- instance- id-mappings. patch:
Backport from trunk, Set read_deleted='yes' for instance_id_mappings.
(LP: #1061166) - 92. By Adam Gandelman
* nova-xvpvncproxy, nova-novncproxy: Add missing .install, .logrotate,
.postrm, manpages and upstart jobs (LP: #1060336)
* debian/{rules, nova-volume.install} : Rename nova_tgt to nova_tgt.conf so
that it is actually loaded by tgt. (LP: #1060422) - 91. By Chuck Short
patches/ ubuntu- fix-32- 64-bit- iss.patch: Backport
ba8cca2b59bb2904635520ad12f6d9 a73f10242c, python's builtin
builtin hash returns different values on 32-bit and 64-bit architectures,
so it's safer to use a well-defined hash like MD5. This fixes a FTBFS
in Ubuntu's buildds. - 90. By Chuck Short
[ Adam Gandelman ]
* debian/control: Depend on python-sqlalchemy >= 0.7.8-1.[ Chuck Short ]
* New upstream release.
* debian/control: Dont conflict with novnc. (LP: #1055505)
* debian/nova-volume. postinst, nova-common.dirs: Configure nova-volumes
to use tgtd properly. - 88. By Chuck Short
[ Adam Gandelman ]
* debian/control: Add python-cinderclient to python-nova Depends.
* wrap-and-sort.[ Chuck Short ]
* debian/nova-common. postinst: Change root_helper to rootwrap_config
when upgrading from precise
* debian/pydist- overrides: dont try to install babel.
* New upstream version.
* debian/rules: FTBFS if testsuite fails. - 87. By Chuck Short
[ Adam Gandelman ]
* Ensure /etc/nova/rootwrap. d/ is only writable by root, ensure
those permissions on /etc/nova/rootwrap. conf as well as
all individual filter configurations.[ Chuck Short ]
* Fix lintian warnings
* debian/*.lograote: compress logfiles when they are rotated. (LP:
* debian/control:
- Suggest ceph-common for nova-volume.
- Add python-cinderclient as a build depends.[Vishvananda Ishaya]
* Split up vncproxy and xvpvncproxy. - 86. By Chuck Short
[ Chuck Short ]
* New upstream release.
* debian/nova-common. postinst: Drop nova_sudoers permission changing
since we do it in the debian/rules. (LP: #995285)[ Soren Hansen ]
* Update debian/watch to account for symbolically named tarballs and
use newer URL.
* Fix Launchpad URLs in debian/watch. - 85. By Adam Gandelman
[ Adam Gandelman ]
* New upstream release.[ Chuck Short ]
* debian/patches/ 0001-Update- tools-hacking- for-pep8- 1.2-and-
beyond.patch: Dropped we dont run pep8 tests anymore.
* debian/control: Drop pep8 build depends
* debian/*.upstart. in: Make sure we transition correctly from runlevel
1 to 2. (LP: #820694)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/raring/nova