- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/quantal-security/maas
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 30. By Seth Arnold
* SECURITY UPDATE: incorrect Content-type header allowed cross-site
scripting vulnerability if an unknown API was used. (LP: #1251336)
- debian/patches/ CVE-2013- 1070.patch: Use Content-type text/plain to force
browsers to not render error messages as HTML.
- CVE-2013-1070
* SECURITY UPDATE: /etc/maas/txlongpoll. yaml contained a publicly readable
password. (LP: #1254034)
- debian/maas-region- controller. postinst: chown and chmod
/etc/maas/txlongpoll .yaml with correct permissions
- CVE-2013-1069 - 29. By Seth Arnold
* SECURITY UPDATE: failure to authenticate downloaded content (LP: #1039513)
- debian/patches/ CVE-2013- 1058.patch: Authenticate downloaded files with
GnuPG and MD5SUM files. Thanks to Julian Edwards.
- CVE-2013-1058
* SECURITY UPDATE: configuration options may be loaded from current working
directory (LP: #1158425)
- debian/patches/ CVE-2013- 1057-1- 2.patch: Do not load configuration
options from the current working directory. Thanks to Julian Edwards.
- CVE-2013-1057 - 28. By Andres Rodriguez
* Fix MAAS not working after CD/preseed install (LP: #1065763)
- debian/extras/ maas-region- celeryd: Add wrapper to run celery from
the upstart job.
- debian/extras/ maas-region- controller. maas-region- celery. upstart: Create
rabbitmq user if it does not exists.
* debian/control: Remove unneeded deps on python-txtftp for some binary pkgs.
* debian/maas-region- controller. postinst: Minor fix referencing variable. - 27. By Andres Rodriguez
* New upstream release.
[ Raphaël Badin ]
* debian/maas-region- controller. postinst: Enable proxy_http module.
* debian/maas-cluster- controller. postinst: Create /var/lib/maas. (LP: #1065062) [ Andres Rodriguez ]
* Install maas-provision with python-maas-provisioni ngserver (LP: #1065171):
- debian/python- maas-provisioni ngserver. install: Install
- debian/control: Add Conflicts/Replaces with maas-cluster-controller
to handle upgrades.
* debian/patches/ 04-fix- ipmi-enlistment .patch: Drop. Merged Upstream.
* debian/control: Depends on maas-region-controller for maas-dns.
* debian/maas-region- controller. postinst: Set the correct host for
BROKER_URL (LP: #1065080)
* Handle creation of user/group in maas-common.
* debian/maas-region- controller. config: Always source dbconfig scripts. - 26. By Robie Basak
ipmi-enlistment .patch: retry maas-enlist without power parameters
on failure. This allows enlistment to continue working with Precise
ephemeral images before the Precise SRU for maas-enlist lands.
(LP: #1064922). - 25. By Andres Rodriguez
patches/ 99-ipmi- user-too- long.patch: Fix username too long for
IPMI user created on enlistment (LP: #1064832) - 24. By Andres Rodriguez
* New upstream release. (LP: #1064596)
* debian/patches/ 99-temporary- fix-constraints .patch: Dropped.
* debian/control:
- ${python:Depends} for maas-common.
- Add missing Depends for python-maas-provisioni ngserver (LP: #1064542)
* debian/maas-cluster- controller. postinst: Create /var/log/maas if it
doesn't exist (LP: #1064539) - 23. By Andres Rodriguez
* New upstream release. (LP: #1062518)
[ Julian Edwards ]
* Split packaging of 'maas' into maas-{region,cluster} -controller
- debian/control: Update accordingly.
- debian/*.install: Move files accordingly
- debian/*.{postinst, postrm, preinst} : Move files accordingly.
* Ensure isc-dhcp-server is disabled when installing maas-dhcp.
* Ensure maas-dns creates the maas user before trying to chown files.
* Make maas-cluster-controller autoconfigure itself when upgrading from the
old maas package. (LP: #1059416)
* Add missing prerm file for maas-cluster-controller so that .pyc files
are cleaned up. (LP: #1059973)[ Raphaël Badin ]
* Install maas_local_celeryconfig. py in /etc/maas and symlink to
* debian/maas.postinst: Create rabbitmq celery user/vhost.
* debian/maas.postinst: Update BROKER_URL in maas_local_ celeryconfig. py.
* Use maas_local_celeryconfig_ cluster. py as the local celery
configuration file for the cluster worker.
* debian/maas-region- controller. maas-region- celery. upstart: Add region
worker upstart script.
* Rename cluster worker upstart script into
maas-cluster- controller. maas-clluster- celery. upstart.
* maas-cluster-controller. maas-celery. upstart: use "celeryconfig_ cluster"
as the Celery config module.
* debian/maas-common. install: Install celeryconfig_ common. py.
* debian/maas-cluster- controller. install: Install celeryconfig_ cluster. py.
* debian/maas-region- controller. install: Install celeryconfig.py.
* Split celery config into cluster and region configs.
* Add region celeryd upstart config.
maas-cluster- controller. maas-cluster- celery. upstart [ Jeroen Vermeulen ]
* Make maas_local_celery_ config. py non-world readable.
* Make maas_local_celeryconfig_ cluster. py non-world readable.
* Set root:maas ownership of local cluster config only *after*
the maas user/group have been created[ Andres Rodriguez ]
* debian/maas.postinst:
- Always restart apache2.
- Handle upgrades for new upstream release.
- Handle upgrades for celery rabbitmq worker.
* Add binary package to install client tool.
- debian/extras/ maas-cli: Add binary.
- debian/maas-cli. install: Add. Install maascli and apiclient.
- debian/control: Add binary package.
* debian/control:
- Depends on freeipmi-tools instead of ipmitool.
- Conflicts/Replaces on maas for python-maas-client.
- Depends on python-netifaces, python-lxml.
* Add python-maas-client binary package:
- debian/python- maas-client. install: Add. Install 'apiclient' python module.
- debian/control: Add package. python-django-maas and maas-cli now
Depend on it.
* debian/rules: Install maas-dhcp-server upstart job.
* debian/maas.postrm: Remove celery worker rabbitmq user and host.
* debian/extras/ 99-maas- sudoers: Add for maas-dhcp-server upstart job
instead of isc-dhcp-server (LP: #1055951)
* debian/maas-region- controller. postinst: Cleanup upgrade rules.
* debian/maas-cluster- controller. postinst: Fix 'local' usage.
* debian/maas-common. install: Install celeryconfig in appropriate location.
* debian/maas-cluster- controller. postrm: Add and delete maas user.
* debian/maas-dhcp. postinst: Stop isc-dhcp-server not isc_dhcp_server.
* debian/maas-region- controller. postinst:
- Always update passwords on upgrade. No longer check versioning. (LP: #1060094).
- Add MAAS server to allowed mirror in squid-deb-proxy
- Source dbconfig conf file for maas-region-controller on upgrade because
it writes a new config file and no longer preservers the previous password.
* debian/maas-cluster- controller. maas-cluster- celery. upstart: Remove set{uid/gid}.
* debian/maas-region- controller. install: Install maas-import- squashfs
* Handle removal of non existant files (LP: #1059556):
- debian/maintscript: Added to handle removal of conffiles.
- debian/control: Add Pre-depends and bump debhelper version.
* update po files for the templates.
* debian/extras/ 99-maas: Install in usr/share/maas/conf and symlink to the
appropriate etc dir.
* debian/maas-cluster- controller. config: Source debconf at the beginning of the
script. (LP: #1063857)
* debian/patches/ 99-temporary- fix-constraints .patch: Fix constraints maaping
when deploying with juju. Temporary until it gets merged upstream[ Robie Basak ]
* Add maas-cluster-controller dependency on uuid-runtime, needed for uuidgen
by postinst.[ Scott Moser ]
* debian/maas-dhcp. {install, apparmor, postrm} install apparmor profile into
/etc/apparmor. d/dhcpd. d (LP: #1049177), and update apparmor profile for
/usr/sbin/dhcpd on install/remove
* get the ip address for the dhcp server in config[ Diogo Matsubara ]
* Add initial tests to be run by autotests:
- debian/control: XS-Testsuite: autopkgtest
- debian/tests/control: Add
- debian/tests/maas- package- test: Add
- tests/maas-integration. py: Add - 22. By Andres Rodriguez
extras/ 99-maas- sudoers: Add missing rule for
maas-provision. (LP: #1046397) - 21. By Andres Rodriguez
* New upstream release (LP: #1044367)
[ Julian Edwards ]
* Fix 02-pserv-config. patch to handle new default tftp directory [ Andres Rodriguez ]
* debian/maas.postinst:
- include '/MAAS' for DEFAULT_MAAS_URL.(LP: #1033956)
- Update bzr version to safely upgrade.
* Add maas-dns package that configures DNS in MAAS (LP: #1030860)
* Remove cobbler related bits
- debian/maas.postinst: Drop cobbler configuration
- debian/maas.install: Drop installation of snippets/preseeds.
- debian/control:
+ Drop Depends on maas-provision. (LP: #975473)
+ Depends on bind9utils.
+ Depends on python-lockfile (LP: #1037400)
Add necessary Conflicts/Replaces. Add conflicts to tftpd-hpa and dnsmasq.
Depends on isc-dhcp-server for maas-dhcp, and syslinux-common.
- debian/extras/ maas-provision: Add missing "$@" (LP: #1040462)
- debian/patches:
+ 02-pserv-config. patch: Updated. Do not patch cobbler related bits.
patch tftp config to default.
* maas-dhcp: Re-add to handle initial configuration of MAAS DHCP server.
* Allow restart of 'isc-dhcp-server' by adding a sudoers file:
- debian/extras/ 99-maas- sudoers: Added.
- debian/maas.install: Install 99-maas-sudoers
* Minor improvements on dbconfig-common handling:
- debian/maas.config: Only call dbc_go when scripts present.
- debian/maas.postrm: Only call dbc_go when config file exists.
* debian/maas.maas- celery. upstart: Enable Beat and set scheduler db file.
* debian/maas-dns. postinst: Set correct permissions. (LP: #1042868)
* debian/maas-dhcp. config:
- Ask whether we want to enable DHCP (LP: #1044229)
- Add debconf question for network interfaces
* debian/maas.prerm: Stop services before removing database (LP: #1044559)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/trusty/maas