
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

9. By Ignace Mouzannar

* debian/control:
  - Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.2.
  - Added the "DM-Upload-Allowed" field.
* debian/patches:
  - 08_datalink_offset.diff: fixes iptotal not reporting traffic on PPP
    insterfaces. (Closes: #230649)
* debian/init:
  - Added the Description LSB section.
  - Added the status option.

8. By Felix Geyer

Use the config.{sub,guess} replace/restore behaviour from 0.3.3-11
as the autotools-dev dh7 helper is not available in lucid.

7. By Ignace Mouzannar

* debian/control:
  - Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.4.
  - Added dependency on ${misc:Depends}.
  - Set dependency on debhelper to (>= 7.0.50~) in order to use dh7 features.
  - Set dependency on autotools-dev to (>=20100122.1) to enable the use of
    the dh7 addons.
  - Removed dependency on quilt (as source format is now "3.0 (quilt)")
* debian/rules:
  - Updated the rules file to use the dh7 features.
* debian/postinst:
  - Removed the reload of apache2, as iptotal depends on httpd and not
    apache2. (Closes: #572246)
* debian/postrm:
  - Removed the reload of apache2.
* debian/links:
  - Removed the linking of /etc/apache2/conf.d/iptotal.
* debian/patches:
  - 07_cgi_filename.diff: fixes incorrect filenames for graph images.
    (Closes: #574121)
* debian/README.debian:
  - Explains the different directory changes that occurred over the last
    releases of iptotal.
  - Shows how to configure iptotal with apache2.

6. By Ignace Mouzannar

* debian/rules:
  - Updated --data-dir from /usr/lib to /var/lib (Closes: #557972)
* debian/dirs, debian/install, debian/links, debian/apache.conf:
  - Replaced usr/lib by var/lib.
* debian/postinst:
  - Replaced /usr/lib by /var/lib.
  - As installation path has changed in this release, added a temporary
    copying of old files to the new working directory, and deletion of
    files from old directories, to prevent data history loss.
* Removed debian/lintian-overrides file as it isn't needed anymore.

5. By Dario Minnucci

* QA upload.
* Added patch system (dpatch)
* debian/patches: 01_fix_ownership.dpatch
* debian/patches: 02_fix_for_arm_systems.dpatch (Closes: #459128)
* debian/patches: 03_manpage_fixes.dpatch (Closes: #379785)
* debian/patches: 03_fix_kbytes_sufixes.dpatch (Closes: #362480)
* debian/postinst: Fix ownership (Closes: #515951)
* debian/control: Compat version updated to >=7
* Standards-Version: Updated to 3.8.3
   - debian/README.source file
* debian/control: Homepage field added
* debian/watch: Added

4. By Peter Eisentraut

* QA upload.
* Changed maintainer to Debian QA Group
* Cleaned up debian/rules
* Removed empty maintainer scripts
* Updated standards version
* Changed dependency apache to apache2

3. By Millis Miller <email address hidden>

Correct image paths in template.html (Closes: #259047)

2. By Millis Miller <email address hidden>

Remove dh_installinit helper files and make scripts manually (Closes: #248988)

1. By Millis Miller <email address hidden>

Import upstream version 0.3.3

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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