
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

11. By Colin Watson

Pre-Depends: dpkg (>= 1.15.6) for xz compression support. Needed until
after Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

10. By Ansgar Burchardt

* Apply patch from Samuel Thibault <email address hidden> to allow enet to
  build on hurd-i386. (Closes: #638385)
  + new patch: ftbfs-on-hurd-i386.diff
* Use xz compression for source and binary packages.

9. By Ansgar Burchardt

* New upstream release.
* debian/copyright: Update years of copyright.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2 (no changes).

8. By Ansgar Burchardt

Build for multiarch.

7. By Ansgar Burchardt

Upload to unstable.

6. By Ansgar Burchardt

* New upstream release.
  + change soname to `libenet.so.0debian1', rename packages accordingly.
  + refresh patch.
* debian/copyright: Update years of copyright.

5. By Ansgar Burchardt

* debian/control: Move libenet2-dbg to section `debug'
* debian/control: Add ${misc:Depends}
* libenet-dev: Make dependency on libenet2 versioned
* debian/enet.pc: Remove -I${includedir}/enet from Cflags
  (Closes: #519982)
* use debhelper's override feature
* add header to patch kfreebsd.diff
* debian/control: remove duplicate field Section from binary package
* bump Standards-Version to 3.8.3

4. By Clint Adams

Upload to unstable.

3. By Gonéri Le Bouder

* add kfreebsd.diff (Closes: #414348)
 - add a builddep on quilt

2. By Gonéri Le Bouder

* remove cdbs. please see http://wiki.debian.org/Games/ToolsDiscuss
* libenet-dev FIX: install missing file callbacks.h (Closes: #385740)
* provide libenet-dev only since it's not a shared library

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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