- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/quantal/amarok
Branch merges
Branch information
- Owner:
- Ubuntu branches
- Status:
- Mature
Recent revisions
- 152. By Jonathan Riddell
Build-dep on libgpod-dev not libgpod-dev-nogtk as it
no longer depends on gtk LP: #260091 - 150. By Jonathan Riddell
remove spectrum analyzer files from amarok.install, already in debian/rules
- 148. By Harald Sitter
* Add 0001-port-
to-liblastfm1- api.patch from upstream (target 2.7) fixing
compatibiity with liblastfm1, fairly trivial and simple patch (LP: #1015526)
* Don't depend on now removed kdemultimedia-dev (is not used anymore anyway)
* Bump liblastfm build dep to 1.0 - 147. By Harald Sitter
* Merge from Debian experimental, remaining changes: (LP: 1008645)
- Don't build-depend on libavformat-dev and libofa0-dev as libavcodec*
is not allowed on cd images.
- Don't build-dep on libqt4-opengl-dev on armel and armhf and install
file manually in debian/rules
- build-dep on libmygpo
- Add epoch "2:" to the version number.
- More complete not-installed
- Keep build-dep libmysqld-pic at 5.1.36-2 (new version not yet in archive)
- Do not manually compress with xz, we handle this in pkg-kde and explicitly
doing it prevents global control
* Do not suggest libxine1-ffmpeg as this should have been in the Phonon
backend to begin with and phonon-xine is no longer used anyway.
* amarok-common breaks amarok (<< 2.6~beta1-1ubuntu1~ ) due to wrongly
packaged desktop files in a previous release
* Drop patches applied upstream:
- kubuntu_Make-OpenGl- a-soft- dependency. diff
- kubuntu_CMake-Move- occurence- of-OPENGL_ INCLUDE_ DIR-var. diff
- kubuntu_kdelibs4. 8_context_ view.diff
* Refreshed patch kubuntu_mysql_pic_ library_ path.diff
* amarok-doc to Break and Replace all previous amarok-help-* packages
having one big package and keep the diff small was deemed more reasonable
on IRC - 145. By Felix Geyer
* Install the spectrum-analyzer context applet.
* Don't export KUBUNTU_DESKTOP_POT anymore.
* Move localized handbooks into own packages named amarok-help-$lang. - 144. By Jonathan Riddell
Add kubuntu_
kdelibs4. 8_context_ view.diff from upstream for
https://bugs.kde. org/290123 'Broken context view'
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/raring/amarok