
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Recent revisions

17. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre

* Merge from current Debian sid. Remaining changes:
  - debian/aiccu.upstart: add upstart configuration.

16. By Lars Düsing

[ Lars Duesing ]
* Switch back to using "daemonize true" (LP: #970054):
  - d/patches/10_upstart.patch: Dropped - no longer required.
  - d/aiccu.upstart: check configuration for aiccu to daemonize itself.

[ James Page ]
* d/aiccu.upstart: Added check to ensure that server configuration has
  been specified before trying to check access.

15. By James Page

* debian/aiccu.upstart:
  - Use pre-start, post-stop scripts to start and stop aiccu as upstart
    cannot track aiccu in any meaningful way (LP: #967090).
  - Check access to IPv6 endpoint before starting aiccu to avoid race
    conditions with local DNS services (LP: #967095).
    Thanks to Lars Düsing for this fix.
  - Updated start on stanza to include local-filesystems.
  - General tidy of upstart configuration including placing logfile in
    /var/log and generating log entry timestamps.

14. By Lars Düsing

Fix race between DHCP setup and aiccu start by using an event-triggered
upstart script instead of init.d (LP: #223825)

13. By gregor herrmann

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Fix "/etc/pm/sleep.d/60aiccu hook may cause unacceptable resume delays":
  check if aiccu is enabled in /etc/default/aiccu and running before trying
  to ping/restart.
  (Closes: #610332)
* Fix "Does not compile with ld.gold": add patch from Ubuntu /
  Tarun Kumar Mall:
  - debian/patches/09_binutils_gold.patch:
    + patch changes unix-console/Makefile to fix FTBFS. (LP: #726121)
  (Closes: #615897)

12. By Tarun K. Mall

* debian/patches/01_binutils_gold.patch:
  + patch changes unix-console/Makefile to fix FTBFS. (LP: #726121)

11. By Reinier Haasjes

* Fix "preconfiguration fails" Add test to check if brokers-file exist.
  (Closes: #593983)
* Upgraded standards-version to 3.9.1
* Removed lintian-overrides; Lintian complained: "unused-override
* Add Recommends on bind9-host | dnsutils for the config script. -
  Thanks to Evgeni Golov
* debian/aiccu.config:
  + grep for "$RET", not $RET or it will fail on names with spaces. -
  Thanks to Evgeni Golov

10. By Reinier Haasjes

* Fix "Package upgrade fails in postinst" Added db_stop to
  aiccu.postinst (Closes: #574498) - Thanks to Jean-Louis Dupond
* Added Spanish translation (Closes: #583542) - Thanks to Camaleón
* Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format

9. By Daniel T Chen

Use the intended debconf fix instead.

8. By Jean-Louis Dupond

Added patch 09_close_fds.patch (LP: #544910)

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