
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

210. By Matt Fischer

* debian/patches/git_leak_fixes.patch:
  - backport upstream commits to fix memory leaks (LP: #1031449)

209. By Iain Lane

* debian/*.prs, debian/patches/10_encoding_use_ubuntu_profiles.patch: Add an
  OGG and MP3 preset with improved defaults to use when encoding. Patch
  rhythmbox.gep to work with user-supplied custom settings (LP: #945987)
* Add Breaks and Replaces on versions of transmageddon which shipped the
  .prs files we are now shipping in -data.

[ Sebastien Bacher ]
* debian/patches/09_keywords.patch:
  - backport upstream patch to set keywords in the desktop entry,
    it makes easier to find rhythmbox in the unity dash or gnome-shell
    (lp: #1029964)

208. By Jamie Strandboge

* SECURITY UPDATE: fix insecure directory for python module import in
  context plugin
  - debian/patches/CVE-2012-3355.patch: update context plugin to use
    tempfile.mkdtemp() instead of /tmp/context. Patch thanks to
    Andreas Henriksson.
  - CVE-2012-3355

207. By Sebastien Bacher

* debian/patches/git_mpris_playlists.patch:
  - backport upstream commits to fix mpris playlists use

206. By Michael Terry

* debian/patches/07_quicklists.patch:
  - Remove --stop command, it doesn't exist for rhythmbox-client.
    Whoops. LP: #957052

205. By Sebastien Bacher

Restore the .install which were dropped by error because not included
to the vcs, thanks ricotz for pointing it (lp: #959954)

204. By Sebastien Bacher

* New upstream version
* debian/patches/git_local_art_search_typo.patch:
  - git patch, fix a typo in the artsearch code
* debian/patches/git_magnatune_dialog_segfault.patch:
  - git patch, fix manatune dialg segfaulting
* git_ipod_no_private_source.patch,
  - git fixes for the ipod playlist handling code
* debian/patches/git_playlists_sync_segfault.patch:
  - git patch, fix segfault in the ipod playlists sync code
    (lp: #869445)
* debian/rhythmbox.gconf-defaults:
  - dropped, rhythmbox stopped using gconf in favor of gsettings

203. By Michael Terry

* debian/patches/07_quicklists.patch:
  - Add quicklists. Patch by Trenton Fox. LP: #937999

202. By dobey

* New upstream release. (LP: #949424)
  - Add support for allowing plug-ins to specify that they should be
    enabled by default. (LP: #934235)
  - Magnatune plug-in is re-enabled upstream.
  - Removal of gtk_dialog_run in most all cases.
  - Porting of more plug-ins to python-gi.
* debian/control, debian/*.install:
  - Remove the useless coherence plug-in install file.
  - Move some core plug-ins into main rhythmbox package.
    + audiocd, generic-player, iradio, mmkeys, power-manager, rb
  - Split out the NPAPI plug-in to a separate package.
  - Split out the zeitgeist plug-in to a separate package.
  - Split out the magnatune store plug-in to a separate package.
  - Split out the visualizer plug-in to a separate package.
    + Disable building the visualizer plug-in package, as it needs
      libmx which is in universe and not main.
* debian/patches/*:
  - Refreshed patches against new source that had problems applying.
  - Remvoe the mpris name patch which is included upstream.

201. By Sebastien Bacher

* debian/patches/git_use_correct_mpris_name.patch:
  - use the correctlu mpris name, should stop the indicator-sound to get
    confused on rhythmbox restarts (lp: #932684)

[ Didier Roche ]
* debian/rules:
  - ignore librhythmbox-core5 for shlib generation

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