- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/libvigraimpex/precise-201110202116
Branch merges
- Ubuntu branches: Pending requested
Diff: 13485 lines (+320/-12806) (has conflicts)36 files modified.pc/disable-noise-variance-clustering-vigranumpy-test.diff/vigranumpy/test/test2.py (+0/-166)
.pc/docsrc-doxygen-1.7.diff/docsrc/makeFunctionIndex.py (+0/-159)
.pc/docsrc-out-of-source.diff/docsrc/makeFunctionIndex.py (+0/-159)
.pc/docsrc-paths.diff/docsrc/credits_changelog.dxx (+0/-582)
.pc/docsrc-paths.diff/docsrc/index.dxx (+0/-581)
.pc/docsrc-paths.diff/vigranumpy/docsrc/conf.py.in (+0/-213)
.pc/docsrc-paths.diff/vigranumpy/docsrc/index.rst (+0/-308)
.pc/fix-convolutiontest.diff/test/convolution/test.cxx (+0/-2185)
.pc/fix-ftbfs-gcc4.6.diff/include/vigra/random_forest/rf_split.hxx (+0/-1198)
.pc/fix-ftbfs-gcc4.6.diff/include/vigra/sifImport.hxx (+0/-198)
.pc/fix-ftbfs-gcc4.6.diff/test/utilities/test.cxx (+0/-338)
.pc/gzipped-tutorial-reference.diff/docsrc/index.dxx (+0/-581)
.pc/libpng15/src/impex/png.cxx (+0/-771)
.pc/no-offline-ps-doc.diff/docsrc/index.dxx (+0/-581)
.pc/no-offline-ps-doc.diff/include/vigra/accessor.hxx (+0/-1022)
.pc/no-offline-ps-doc.diff/include/vigra/functorexpression.hxx (+0/-2068)
.pc/no-offline-ps-doc.diff/include/vigra/imageiterator.hxx (+0/-1571)
.pc/vigra-config-docdir.diff/config/vigra-config.in (+0/-94)
config/vigra-config.in (+1/-1)
debian/patches/no-hdf5.diff (+84/-0)
debian/patches/series (+4/-0)
docsrc/credits_changelog.dxx (+2/-2)
docsrc/index.dxx (+3/-3)
docsrc/makeFunctionIndex.py (+4/-4)
include/vigra/accessor.hxx (+1/-1)
include/vigra/functorexpression.hxx (+1/-1)
include/vigra/imageiterator.hxx (+2/-2)
include/vigra/random_forest/rf_split.hxx (+0/-1)
include/vigra/sifImport.hxx (+0/-1)
src/impex/png.cxx (+0/-8)
test/convolution/test.cxx (+1/-1)
test/utilities/test.cxx (+0/-1)
vigranumpy/docsrc/conf.py.THIS (+213/-0)
vigranumpy/docsrc/conf.py.in (+1/-1)
vigranumpy/docsrc/index.rst (+2/-2)
vigranumpy/test/test2.py (+1/-2)
Branch information
- Owner:
- Ubuntu branches
- Status:
- Development
Recent revisions
- 21. By Barry Warsaw
* Merge with Debian testing. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
- Remove build dependency on libhdf5-serial-dev (universe). LP: #635891.
- debian/patches/ no-hdf5. diff: Comment out additional methods
requiring HDF5.
- debian/libvigraimpex3. symbols: Mark additional HDF5 related symbols
as optional since these won't appear in the library. - 20. By Barry Warsaw
* QA upload
* Patch libpng15: Fix FTBFS with libpng 1.5 (closes: #636003). Thanks to
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu and Joachim Schleicher for forwarding and testing
the patch.
* Replace build-dependency on libpng12-dev by libpng-dev | libpng12-dev
in order to ease the upcoming libpng transition.
* Fix FTBFS on sh4 architecture by using -mieee flag (closes: #633818).
Thanks to Nobuhiro Iwamatsu for the patch!
* QA upload.
* Set maintainer to Debian QA Group.
* Demote Recommends of the documentation packages to Suggests.
* Drop fix-tinyvectortest.diff, no longer needed.
* Drop Vcs-* fields.
* Strip jQuery code from .orig.tar.gz, as we don't have source for it.
+ Update debian/get-orig- source. sh, debian/rules, debian/watch.
+ Update debian/copyright.
* Overhaul debian/rules. Stop using dh.
* Use dh_sphinxdoc:
+ Update debian/control to use ${sphinxdoc:Depends} instead of hardcoded
+ Call it in debian/rules if it's installed. Otherwise, generate substvars
* Add missing build-dependency on python-support.
* Unbreak fix-tinyvectortest.diff.
* To fix FTBFS on s390, rewrite a loop in TinyVectorTest::equalIter( ), so
that it doesn't trigger bug in GCC 4.6 (see Debian bug #627795).
* To fix FTBFS on powerpc with GCC 4.6, use epsilon comparison in
ConvolutionTest::recursiveFi lterTestFromRep eatWithAvoid. Thanks to Stefano
Rivera for debugging and for the patch. [fix-convolutiontest.diff]
* Allow libvigraimpex-dev to be co-installable with over providers of
libhdf5-dev than libhdf5-serial-dev (closes: #627421). Thanks to Laurent
Bonnaud for the bug report.
* Use default Python version when building documentation.
* Update docsrc-doxygen- 1.7.diff to deal with the latest Doxygen.
* Remove unused jquery.js from libvigraimpex-doc.
* Add a missing include to fix FTBFS with GCC 4.6 (closes: #625104). Thanks
to Lucas Nussbaum for the bug report. [fix-ftbfs-gcc4.6. diff]
* Bump standards version to 3.9.2 (no changes needed).
* Mark more symbols as optional.
* Preserve symlinks when copying object files from one build directory to
another (closes: #618667).
* Update the symbols file.
* On buildds, artificially limit paralellism in order not to run out of RAM.
* Upload to unstable.
* Fix patch headers to be in line with DEP-3.
* Update the symbols file.
* New upstream release.
+ Drop numpy-double-longdouble. diff, applied upstream.
+ Drop noise-normalization-invariant. diff, applied upstream.
+ Update debian/copyright.
+ Rename libvigraimpex2 to libvigraimpex3, following SONAME bump.
+ Update the symbols file.
+ Include the vigra-config script.
+ Patch it to return correct documentation path.
+ Update debian/NEWS.
+ Provide a new manual page.
* Update patch headers.
* Export LDFLAGS.
* Remove Win32-only files and pre-built documentation from the .orig
tarball to save some space.
* Respect DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS= parallel= N.
* Respect DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS= noopt.
* Rename some private variables in debian/rules to make them lowercase.
* Require that Numpy is usable with every supported Python version.
* Avoid using SONAMEs in Python extension modules.
* Convert debian/copyright to the latest DEP-5 version.
* Install symlinks from /usr/share/doc/libvigraimp ex-dev/ html to
/usr/share/doc/ libvigraimpex- doc/html.
* Install symlinks from /usr/share/doc/python- vigra/{ html,rst} to
/usr/share/doc/ python- vigra-doc/ {html,rst} .
* Build Python extensions with -fno-strict-aliasing.
* Remove ‘debian/tmp’ prefix from debian/*.install files.
* Provide ‘build-arch’ and ‘build-indep’ targets in debian/rules.
* Use an alternative dependency template in the symbols file to make sure
that a strict versioned dependency on the shared library will be generated
for packages using optional (private) symbols.
+ Drop vigra-config along with its manual page. - 19. By Colin Watson
* Backport from Debian (Jakub Wilk, LP: #829462):
- Update docsrc-doxygen- 1.7.diff to deal with the latest Doxygen. - 15. By Matthias Klose
* Build to add support for python2.7.
* Temporarily build using g++-4.4 and sort out the symbol mismatches
with g++-4.5 later. LP: #689247. - 13. By Matthias Klose
lib/__init_ _.py: Don't fail on import of missing
HDF5 functions (which are not used in this module). - 12. By Matthias Klose
* Remove build dependency on libhdf5-serial-dev (universe). Reconsider
after the release of maverick. LP: #635891.
* debian/libvigraimpex2. symbols: Mark HDF5 symbols as optional.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/precise/libvigraimpex