- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/precise-updates/kde-workspace
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 50. By Jamie Strandboge
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* SECURITY UPDATE: Privilege Escalation via KDE Clock KCM polkit helper
- Add upstream_clock-privilage -escalation. diff, checks which
binary is being run
- https://www.kde. org/info/ security/ advisory- 20141106- 1.txt
- LP: #1389665[ Jamie Strandboge ]
* update upstream_clock-privilage -escalation. diff to add exePath definition
to fix a FTBFS, and also use exePath with hwclock and zic, like on newer
releases - 49. By Rohan Garg
Add fix_plasma_
init_order. diff from upstream to fix plasma init
order LP: #1123126 - 48. By Harald Sitter
Add fix-powerdevil-
profile- generation. patch to ensure powerdevil
profiles are created using appropriate information on support of suspend
and hibernate (LP: #1066892) - 47. By Scott Kitterman
[ Scott Kitterman ]
* New upstream bugfix release (LP: #1047417)
- Drop patches previously cherrypicked from upstream:
Remove_second_ invisible_ ProcessTable_ widget. patch
Fix_regression_ that_you_ couldnt_ add_new_ beams.patch
Prevent_user_from_ hiding_ all_columns. patch
observe_polkit_ privileges_ with_CanSuspend _CanResume. diff [ Jonathan Riddell ]
* Add kde-workspace_4.8.5.orig- ksplash. tar.gz with ariya theme
which was missed from tar by upsteram
* Add kubuntu_remove_ horos_ksplash_ theme.diff to remove horos theme - 46. By Felix Geyer
* New upstream release. (LP: #1007798)
- Refresh kubuntu_revert_ 1554ba408633397 066d31c3d565c21 7b5a385fb8. diff
- Update kde-workspace-data.install
* Cherry-pick ksysguard fixes from the 4.8 branch:
- Remove_second_ invisible_ ProcessTable_ widget. patch
- Fix_regression_that_you_ couldnt_ add_new_ beams.patch
- Prevent_user_from_ hiding_ all_columns. patch
* Cherry-pick fix to make powerdevil respect the SuspendAllowed and
HibernateAllowed upower properties.
- Add observe_polkit_ privileges_ with_CanSuspend _CanResume. diff - 45. By Philip Muškovac
add kubuntu_
revert_ 1554ba408633397 066d31c3d565c21 7b5a385fb8. diff to
revert the broken openGL build fixes from this commit.
Replaces kubuntu_fix_gleffects. diff - 44. By Philip Muškovac
* New upstream release (LP: #1002336)
- Add kubuntu_fix_gleffects. diff so the logout effect is installed. - 42. By Philip Muškovac
[ Rodrigo Belem ]
* Move kwin4_effect_builtins. so to kde-window-manager
* Move libkwinnvidiahack4 to its own package
* Add breaks/replaces for kde-window-manager- common on
libkwinnvidiahack4 and kde-window-manager << 4:4.8.2a-0ubuntu2~
* Enable kwinactive (LP: #956186)
* Build the source twice to create kwinactive binaries
* Add the packages
- kde-window-manager- active
- kde-window-manager- active- gles
- libkwinactiveglutils1
- libkwinactiveglesutils1
- libkwinactiveeffects1abi3
- libkwinactivenvidiahack4
* Fix kwinactive build failure with the patch
kubuntu_active_ fix_kwin_ xrender_ disable. diff [ Philip Muškovac ]
* kde-window-manager/ -gles depends on libkwinnvidiahack4
kde-window-manager- active/ -gles depends on libkwinactivenv idiahack4
* use ${allLibaries} to generate the library dependencies for
kde-workspace-dev again
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/quantal/kde-workspace