- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/precise-proposed/evolution-data-server
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 177. By Iain Lane
patches/ evolution- data-server- 3.10.4- poodle- enable- tls-for- ssl.patch:
Enable all SSL/TLS versions supported by NSS (LP: #1382133) - 176. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
* debian/
patches/ git_caldav_ backend_ starve_ on_dispose_ cf5acf4. patch: backport
changes to how the slave states are set in EDS from 3.4; to support the
following patch.
* debian/patches/ lp978728_ add_event_ in_google_ calendar_ de60fed. patch: repair
adding events to Google Calendars; because Google's CalDAV implementation
appears to not respond with a redirect when an event is added in a
different place than requested, nor with a Location header in the Created
response: workaround this to avoid an error when the event really has been
properly added to the calendar. (LP: #978728) - 175. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
* debian/
patches/ git_libical_ unescape_ quote_830fa86. patch: workaround
brokenness in libical 0.48: unescape quotes, since libical escapes them.
(LP: #955707)
* debian/patches/ git_google_ categories_ matching_ d2d75b5. patch: correctly
align categories with Google contacts. (LP: #957695)
* debian/patches/ git_addressbook _use_after_ free_6f6f415. patch: another small
cherry-pick from git: fix a possible use-after-free case in the addressbook
backend for Google contacts. - 174. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
* debian/
patches/ fix_crash_ on_ics_ import. patch: avoid crashes while importing
.ics calendar data files. (LP: #847578)
* debian/control: add a build-depends on libdbus-glib-1-dev; which is a new
requirement from the above patch. - 173. By Marc Deslauriers
patches/ name-selector- default- size.patch: set a default size to
the name selector window so it will display more than one address by
(LP: #906872) - 172. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
patches/ git_folder_ migration_ sql_error_ cf05b71. patch: avoid
unnecessary GLib warnings from IMAP & folder migration due to bad handling
of GError objects. - 171. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
debian/control: add missing Provides for the libedataserver, libecal and
libebook packages that got renamed. - 170. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
* New upstream release.
* Merge with Debian unstable; remaining changes:
- debian/control:
- Add Breaks/Replaces for the old names of e-d-s packages.
- Have libedataserverui-3.0-1 conflict with libedataserveru i1.2-dev.
- Update Vcs-* fields to point to the Ubuntu branches.
- debian/patches:
- gmodule_linking. patch: make sure we also link against gmodule.
- mailbox_inbox_siblings_ when_requested_ b69cc8b. patch: only return Inbox
sibling folders if they are explicitly requested.
* debian/patches/ 01_timezones. patch: dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/patches/ 02_deprecated. patch: dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/patches/ 03_ports_ translation. patch: dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/patches/ 04_delay_ vcard_parsing. patch: dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/patches/ 05_contact_ fields. patch: dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/patches/ 06_revert_ space_categorie s.patch: dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/patches/ 07_http_ crash.patch: dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/patches/ 08_newfolder_ imap.patch: dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/patches/ mailbox_ inbox_siblings_ when_requested_ b69cc8b. patch: dropped,
applied upstream.
* debian/patches/ remove_ g_thread_ init.patch: remove calls to g_thread_init(),
based on cherry-picked git commits c487d00 and d65649c.
* debian/patches/ gmodule_ linking. patch: refreshed, this no longer needs to
touch configure now that autoreconf gets run again. - 169. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
* debian/
patches/ remove_ g_thread_ init.patch: remove calls to g_thread_init(),
based on cherry-picked git commits c487d00 and d65649c. (LP: #911125)
* debian/patches/ gmodule_ linking. patch: make sure we also link against
* debian/patches/ lp878460_ imap_new_ folder_ 0e421df. patch: make sure IMAP
accounts are displayed when trying to create a new folder. (LP: #878460)
* debian/patches/ mailbox_ inbox_siblings_ when_requested_ b69cc8b. patch: only
return Inbox sibling folders if they are explicitly requested.
* debian/patches/ retrieval_ done_crash_ c1b0058. patch: fix a possible crash
in ecal http backend's retrieval_done.
* debian/patches/ translate_ port_numbers_ 4d6c98f. patch: properly translate
port number descriptions. - 168. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
* New upstream release.
- POP3: Use a safer default value for "delete-after-days"
(LP: #877534, #879305)
- Empty Contacts list when pressing "To:" in composer (LP: #846550)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)