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Recent revisions

274. By Christopher Townsend

* debian/patches/fix_external_monitor_hotplug.patch
  - Cherry-pick fixes upstream for window mismanagement when adding
    and/or removing an external monitor. (LP: #763148) (LP: #1171878)

273. By Timo Jyrinki

* debian/patches/blacklist_precise_mesa80_intel_nouveau.patch:
  - Revert to blacklisting also 9.0.x (LP: #1216781)

272. By Timo Jyrinki

* debian/patches/fix_1095001.patch
  - Cherry-pick a patch from upstream to fix CPU usage (LP: #1095001)
* debian/patches/blacklist_precise_mesa80_intel_nouveau.patch:
  - Rename the blacklist patch, add verbose description and allow
    fullscreen unredirection for also Intel and Nouveau users using
    Mesa 9.0.x (Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS or those who have opted in to LTS-Q
    packages). (LP: #1167321)

271. By Timo Jyrinki

[ Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak ]
* debian/patches/revert_fix_994841.patch,
  - Removed, upstreamed
* debian/watch:
  - Changed to the correct LP tarball path
* debian/patches/compiz-package-gles2.patch:
  - Updated GLES patches to properly apply to the new compiz version

[ Timo Jyrinki ]
* New upstream release.
  - Compiz won't start if "unredirect fullscreen windows" is enabled
    (LP: #980663)
  - "Unredirect Fullscreen Windows" stay on top (unredirected) even
    when they're not on top any more (or the output is transformed)
    (LP: #1041047)
  - Unredirect Fullscreen Windows sometimes fails to unredirect fullscreen
    windows at all (LP: #1041066)
  - "Unredirect Fullscreen Windows" stay on top (unredirected) even when
    an RGBA window is stacked above it (LP: #1046661)
  - scale mode is not visible if a fullscreen window is unredirected
    (LP: #1047168)
  - Unredirecting a fullscreen window on a secondary monitor causes that
    monitor to flicker (LP: #1050749)
  - "Unredirect Fullscreen Windows" makes multi-monitor rendering much
    slower (LP: #1051885)
  - [regression] Maximized window gets unredirected when it's not
    fullscreen (LP: #1053902)
  - Unredirected fullscreen windows freeze and stay on top when wall
    sliding (Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right) (LP: #1084401)
  - "Unredirect Fullscreen Windows" can cause significant tearing on
    fullscreen windows (especially playing video) on some drivers
    (LP: #1051802)
  - HTML5 video in Firefox continues to tear (LP: #1086337)
  - Add support for blacklisting some drivers from using unredirected
    fullscreen windows. By default intel and nouveau on Mesa 8.0
    are blacklisted, configurable via ccsm. Users can upgrade to
    Mesa 9.0 around 12.04.2 time. (LP: #1089246)
  - Unredirect fullscreen windows should be the default for optimal
    performance (LP: #1063690)
* debian/patches/workaround_broken_drivers.patch:
  - Updated to apply.
* debian/patches/force_unredirect_enabling.patch:
  - Enable unredirect_fullscreen_windows unconditionally. Because of
    gconf hurdles we can't easily migrate existing users into the
    new default otherwise. Unredirection can be easily disabled with
    the new unredirect_match option, by blanking it completely,
    including removing the '(any)' part.
* debian/patches/compiz-package-gles2.patch:
  - Update for the new blacklisting feature as well
* debian/patches/blacklist_no_xml_double_escaping.patch:
  - Cherry-pick fix for the default string (LP: #1091103)

[ Michael Terry ]
* debian/patches/blacklist_no_xml_double_escaping.patch:
  - Update to also blacklist Mesa 9.0, which precise users may have from
    the x-updates PPA. 9.0 seems to have similar problems as 8.0 on
    Intel hardware.

270. By Timo Jyrinki

* New upstream stable branch snapshot.
  - Includes all the previous cherry-picked fixes
  - Fix crash when imgsvg is loaded, due to missing symbol
    (decor_apply_gravity from libdecoration). (LP: #956986)
  - Fix multiple window placement bugs (LP: #974242) (LP: #976032)
  - Fix window handle leak causing gradual degradation in desktop
    performance (LP: #1050610)
  - Some decoration pixmaps get leaked on window resize, due to race
    conditions between gtk-window-decorator and the decor plugin.
    (LP: #1057263)
  - Avoid a NULL dereference and give a useful error message instead.
    (LP: #944653)
  - Fix leakage of destroyed_pixmaps_table, containing pointers to freed
    decor_t's which could result in a freed GHashTable being passed into
    g_hash_table_remove and causing a crash. (LP: #1060171)
* debian/patches/compiz-package-gles2.patch:
  - Drop the NEWS file, update decor.cpp part to build with new upstream
* debian/patches/revert_fix_933776_955035.patch:
  - Cherry-pick the revert from upstream since the bug fix is not
    suitable for SRU as is
* debian/patches/revert_fix_994841.patch:
  - Cherry-pick also this revert as non-SRU material, not relevant
    to users
* debian/libdecoration0.symbols:
  - Update with latest symbols

269. By Timo Jyrinki

[ Steve Langasek ]
debian/patches/compiz-package-gles2.patch: refresh to account for
fix_1012956.patch, which introduces non-GLES2 objects that need to be
patched back out for ARM. LP: #1032902.

268. By Timo Jyrinki

[ Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak ]
* Cherry-pick upstream patches:
  - CMake Error at FindCompiz.cmake:84 (include): include could not find load
    file: CompizDefaults (LP: #993608)
  - compiz (decor) - Warn: failed to bind pixmap to texture (LP: #929989)
  - gtk-window-decorator crashed with SIGFPE in
    _decor_blend_horz_border_picture() (LP: #963794)
  - [callgrind] compiz spends ~25% of its time constructing/destructing
    strings in PrivateScreen::handleActionEvent (LP: #1005569)
  - gtk-window-decorator crashed with SIGSEGV in meta_get_decoration_geometry
    (LP: #1007754)
  - composite refresh rate falls back to 50Hz, which is wrong in most cases
    (LP: #1009338)
  - [callgrind] compiz spends ~7% of its time inserting into and destructing
    the events list in PrivateScreen::processEvents() (LP: #1006335)
  - It is possible for a dock shadow to be painted even if the dock window
    isn't painted (LP: #1012956)

[ Timo Jyrinki ]
* Cherry-pick upstream patches:
  - gtk-window-decorator crashes with BadWindow (invalid Window parameter),
    from XGetWindowProperty() from get_frame_type() (LP: #1019337)
  - Fix gtk-window-decorator crash in meta_get_button_position
    (LP: #1015593)
  - Fix crash LP: #1019337 properly this time. The original fix did not
    handle the case where (win != NULL && xid != None && !valid_window(xid))
    so would still exit with an X error. Now we trap and handle such errors
    gracefully, instead of hitting the default handler which kills

267. By Stéphane Graber

Revert SRU because of last minute regression being reported. (LP: #1019337)

266. By Łukasz Zemczak

[ Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak ]
* Cherry-pick upstream patches:
  - CMake Error at FindCompiz.cmake:84 (include): include could not find load
    file: CompizDefaults (LP: #993608)
  - compiz (decor) - Warn: failed to bind pixmap to texture (LP: #929989)
  - gtk-window-decorator crashed with SIGFPE in
    _decor_blend_horz_border_picture() (LP: #963794)
  - [callgrind] compiz spends ~25% of its time constructing/destructing
    strings in PrivateScreen::handleActionEvent (LP: #1005569)
  - gtk-window-decorator crashed with SIGSEGV in meta_get_decoration_geometry
    (LP: #1007754)
  - composite refresh rate falls back to 50Hz, which is wrong in most cases
    (LP: #1009338)
  - [callgrind] compiz spends ~7% of its time inserting into and destructing
    the events list in PrivateScreen::processEvents() (LP: #1006335)

[ Didier Roche ]
* debian/control:
  - change Vcs-Bzr to point to precise branches

265. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

[ Didier Roche ]
* New upstream bug fix release:
  - [fglrx] Title bar does not update on non-maximized windows (LP: #770283)
  - Some apps (like Remmina) can't full-screen under Compiz (or Unity)
    (LP: #946388)
  - Compiz-core fails to compile with gcc-4.7 - 'cc1plus: all warnings
    being treated as errors' (LP: #972519)
  - Menu shadow clipping flickers while switching menubar items/indicators
    (LP: #978900)
  - Compiz should not move windows to workspace 0,0 when restarted
    (LP: #980026)
  - regression / unable to interact with window-titlebar (window decoration)
    after minimizing/unminimizing gnome-terminal (LP: #981703)
* debian/patches/workaround_770283.patch,
  - removed, upstreamed

[ Oliver Grawert ]
* update the GLES2 patch for the new upstream release.

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