
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

195. By Scott Moser

* debian/patches/rework-mirror-selection.patch: update patch to
  address issue if package_mirrors is missing from cloud.cfg (LP: #1145215)
* debian/patches/lp-1202202-azure-datasource.patch: add azure datasource
  backported from trunk (LP: #1202202)
* debian/patches/future_utils.patch: pull back some upstream 'util' functions
  for use in the azure datasource.
* debian/cloud-init.templates: add 'Azure' to the list of choices
  for cloud-init/datasources.

194. By Scott Moser

* debian/update-grub-legacy-ec2: consider kernels bootable on ec2
  that are named -generic, in addition to -virtual. This fixes a problem
  where the kernels installed by linux-lts-quantal were not added to
  /boot/grub/menu.lst (LP: #1005551)
* debian/patches/lp-1077020-fix-ca-certificates-blanklines.patch: fix
  adding of empty lines in ca-certificates file (LP: #1077020)
* debian/patches/lp-1031065-nonet-not-start-networking.patch: do not 'start
  networking' in cloud-init-nonet upstart job. Doing so can cause networking
  to be started earlier than it should be. Instead, add a
  cloud-init-container job that runs only in a container and emits
  net-device-added (LP: #1031065).
* debian/patches/lp-1037567-add-config-drive-v2-support.conf:
  backport support for config-drive-v2 which is part of Openstack Nova in
  Folsom and later. (LP: #1037567) (LP: #1100545)

193. By Scott Moser

lp-1100491-fix-broken-add-sources.patch: fix use of
'apt_sources' in cloud-config. (LP: #1100491)

192. By Scott Moser

fix missing or incorrect imports (LP: #1070345, LP: #1066115).

191. By Scott Moser

[Thomas Hervé]
if configuration enables landscape, then set RUN=1 in /etc/default/landscape
(LP: #1042758)

190. By Scott Moser

* New upstream release.
  * improve chef examples for working configurations on 11.10 and 12.04
    [Lorin Hochstein] (LP: #960564)
  * fix bug in landscape module if /etc/landscape did not exist
    (LP: #978329)

189. By Scott Moser

* New upstream snapshot.
  * Fix bug in Chef support that required 'validation_cert' (LP: #960547)
  * Provide user-friendly message when a user ssh's in with an invalid
    locale (LP: #960547)
  * Support reading a url reference to cloud-config from the kernel
    command line.

188. By Scott Moser

* New upstream snapshot.
  * support running resize2fs in the background (default=off) (LP: #961226)

187. By Scott Moser

* New upstream snapshot.
  * If public-keys is a string, split it into multiple keys on newline
    This specifically helps the MAAS data source, and should not negatively
    affect others.

186. By Scott Moser

* New upstream snapshot.
  * rename DataSourceMaaS to DataSourceMAAS.
  * support public-keys in DataSourceMAAS
  * Warn in user-data processing on non-multipart, non-handled data
  * CloudStack data source added (not enabled by default)
* fix bug in cloud-init.postinst where the name used was wrong
  causing config-apt-pipelining to run more than intended

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