- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/oneiric-updates/unity-2d
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 40. By James M. Leddy
[ Chris Coulson ]
DBUS_STARTER_ADDRESS and DBUS_STARTER_ BUS_TYPE aren't always unset from
environment making gedit and possibly others fail to start (LP: #873027) - 39. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli
[ Francis Ginther ]
* Update build dependency to the renamed libgeis-dev (LP: #1046392)[ Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak ]
* debian/patches/ 01_fix. patch, debian/ patches/ 02_geis_ rename. patch:
- Added patches for the neccessary upstream changes[ Didier Roche ]
* Build unity-2d against the right version of unity as libgeis-dev and
libutouch-geis-dev are conflicting - 38. By Aurélien Gâteau
Enable accessibility at startup, disable it for started applications
(LP: #877358) - 37. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli
* New upstream release
- unity-2d-panel assert failure: *** glibc detected *** unity-2d-panel:
malloc(): smallbin double linked list corrupted: 0x08313b28 ***
(LP: #845979)
- unity-2d-panel assert failure: *** glibc detected *** unity-2d-panel:
corrupted double-linked list: 0x094bc9b0 *** (LP: #852012)
- unity-2d-panel crashed with SIGSEGV (LP: #843432)
- Dragging downwards from the menu bar or double clicking on the menu bar
should un-maximise the window (LP: #661049)
- [dash] Dash is shown when pressing and releasing quickly super+KEY
(LP: #801073)
- [dash] Do search, scroll down using mouse, then maximise window. Layout
breaks (LP: #817421)
- F10 doesn't start keyboard navigation to the panel (LP: #839628)
- [dash] Gridview moves to top when you open or close the "Show X more.."
dropdown or the Filter pane (LP: #850036)
- Impossible to navigate between panel menus when the mouse cursor is over
the panel (LP: #834065)
- [panel] F10 menu initially shown about half screen down (LP: #853766)
- [dash] Filter pane doesn't clear its background when switching lenses
(LP: #858590)
- [shortcuts] <Super><Shift># should launch a new instance of #
application (LP: #768006)
- unity-2d-spread missing background images when path includes Unicode
(LP: #855508) - 36. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli
* New upstream release
- unity-2d-panel segfault switching between single and dual screens
(LP: #848944)
- bad memory leak in unity-2d-panel (LP: #850320)
- unity-2d-panel crashed with SIGABRT in raise() (LP: #848155)
- [dash] Dash is shown when pressing and releasing quickly super+KEY
(LP: #801073)
- Wallpaper is loaded twice with different alignment by gnome-session and
nautilus (Oneiric) (LP: #804435)
- [panel] Maximized window title switches to Arial font (LP: #820274)
- [panel] graphics corruption in top line of pixels (LP: #846335)
- Unity-2d no panel after cancel logout due to not responding app
(LP: #849379)
- [panel] Indicators are duplicated if unity-panel-service restarts with
multiple monitors connected (LP: #850000)
- Unity doesn't mirror its interface for RTL locales. (LP: #654988)
- [panel] F10 shortcut with dual screens shows menus on both screens
(LP: #777995)
- Background wallpaper briefly appears shifted horizontally by around 15
pixels on startup (LP: #839610)
- alt+f2 - can type, doing nothing (LP: #842413)
- Pressing Alt+F2 sometimes opens the Dash instead of opening the 'Run
command' screen (LP: #847486)
* debian/control:
- bump libxi-dev build-dep - 35. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli
* New upstream release
- [window management] Alt tab does not switch to the desired application
but instead set the urgency flag on the window (LP: #735205)
- [dash] search field default text not cleared immediately when using
chinese input method (LP: #745246)
- [dash] Apps lens shows no result by default (LP: #834571)
- unity-2d-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in
IndicatorsWidget:: onEntryRemoved( ) (LP: #846836)
- [panel] graphics corruption in top line of pixels (LP: #846335)
- Repeated indicators in unity-2d panel when second screen added
(LP: #846441)
- [dash] Lens navigation bar (buttons on lower edge of dash window) is
accessible (LP: #826560)
- [dash] Category filters is sorted according to their english names, even
when another language is used (LP: #838023) - 33. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli
* New upstream release:
- unity-2d-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in QConfSchema::findKey( )
(LP: #834045)
- unity-2d-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in QConf::notify() (LP: #834001)
- [panel] Implement whitelisting for legacy tray applet (LP: #707354)
- [launcher] stops automatically hiding after some time using it
(LP: #821180)
- [panel] Empathy displays icon in deprecated systray (LP: #830017)
- [dash] Invalid UTF-8 in the dash (LP: #836587)
- [dash] Home buttons 'Media' and 'Internet' apps should not only take you
to the apps lens but also activate the right filter (LP: #837360)
- [dash] Drag&drop application from dash to launcher is broken
(LP: #837361)
- [launcher] contextual menu's corner has a blue line (LP: #828386)
- [dash] Lens bar graphical layout glitches (LP: #833805)
- [dash] Rating Filter: All button not clearing star highlighting
(LP: #834640)
- [dash] should be falling back to the default renderer if the renderer
requested by the lens is not found (LP: #837356)
- [dash] Gwibber lens icon doesn't show up in 2d unity (LP: #830728)
- [dash] Lacks horizontal renderer used by lenses such as Gwibber
(LP: #837712)
- [dash] See %1 more result inconsistency (LP: #834226)
- [launcher] When application has no icon, a question mark icon should be
displayed (LP: #837351)
- unity places should return a default icon when no matching icon is found
(LP: #711200)
- spacing between indicators should be 5 pixels (LP: #734010)
* debian/control:
- require current nux and unity - 32. By Sebastien Bacher
* New upstream release:
- [panel] application menus do not appear on first hover after dismissal
(lp: #825262)
- [dash] Lens icons badly scaled (lp: #825368)
- [panel] indicators are shifted offscreen to the right (lp: #827673)
- [panel] scrubbing from system indicators to menubar should be possible
(lp: #706903)
- [launcher] Closed applications don't get their launcher counts cleared
(lp: #767367)
- [dash] selected item should not be underlined but use the same
treatment as unity (lp: #817456)
- [dash] categories should be collapsed by default (lp: #827214)
- [dash] Ratings filter (lp: #831855)
- [dash] Multirange filter (lp: #831856)
- [dash] ToggleButton filter (lp: #831857)
- [dash] Icon size must be bigger to match the mockups (lp: #831858)
- [dash] "Refine search" right margin should be 15 pixels (lp: #832058)
- [dash] "Refine search" should be "Filter results" (lp: #832060)
- [dash] Font sizes should match new design (lp: #832114)
- [panel] Glitch: application menu appearing when pressing the BFB
(lp: #825060)
- [panel] Glitch: application menus are quickly opened after a drag gesture
(lp: #825267)
- [dash] File thumbnails aspect ratio is not respected (lp: #832204)
* debian/control: require current the current versions of nux and unity - 31. By Sebastien Bacher
* No change rebuild for the nux update abi break
* debian/control: update the nux requirement to be sure to pick the new one
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/precise/unity-2d