
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Branch merges

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Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

23. By Dave Walker

* Merge from Debian Unstable. Remaining changes:
  - symlink erlang libraries in a rabbit-common specific location.
* New upstream release

22. By Marc Cluet

Fixed libraries soft link for 2.4.1 release

21. By Chuck Short

* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - symlink erlang libraries in a rabbit-cmmon specific location.

20. By Dustin Kirkland 

fix rabbitmq-stomp FTBFS, which requires erlang libraries in a
rabbit-common specific location; solve with a symlink

19. By John Leuner <email address hidden>

New upstream release, closes: #611253

18. By John Leuner <email address hidden>

New upstream release

17. By Elliot Murphy

* New upstream release, fixes FTBFS for 2.1.1-1ubuntu1
  - fix issue that causes cross-cluster communication to
    deadlock after sustained cluster activity
  - fix queue memory leak when using the management plugin
    or other consumers of queue statistics
  - brokers started with rabbitmq_multi.bat are now restartable
  - clustering reset no longer destroys installed plugins
  - fix race condition between queue declaration and connection
    termination that causes spurious noproc errors to appear
    in the log
  - fix memory leak when long-running channels consume and
    cancel on many queues
  - queue.declare and exchange.declare raise precondition_failed
    rather than not_allowed when attempting to redeclare a queue
    or exchange with parameters different than those currently
    known to the broker
  - automatic, lossless upgrade to new versions of RabbitMQ
    (when not clustered)
  - support per-queue message TTL. See:
  - the volume of pending acks is now bounded by disk space rather
    than by memory
  - store passwords as hashes
  - allow server properties to be configured in the RabbitMQ
    config file
  - SSL connections are listed as such by rabbitmqctl
  - simplify permission configuration by removing the client
    permission scope
  - improve performance of message routing
  - removed support for basic.recover with requeue=false
  - remove build-time dependency on OTP source to allow users to
    build without the OTP source present
  - eliminate all valid dialyzer errors

16. By Chuck Short

* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/preinst, debian/rabbitmq-server.templates: Warn user about upgrading from a really old version.
    (LP: #506985)
  - debian/control: Update maintainer according to spec.

15. By Chuck Short

* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/preinst, debian/rabbitmq-server.templates: Warn user about upgrading from a really old version.
    (LP: #506985)
  - debian/control: Update maintainer according to spec.

14. By Chuck Short

debian/preinst: Don't present note about upgrades when doing initial
install. (LP: #651047)

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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