
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/oneiric-proposed/kde-l10n-el
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

55. By Philip Muškovac

New upstream release (svn: 1266985, type: stable) LP: #913928

54. By Philip Muškovac

New upstream release (svn: 1261159, type: stable) LP: #901283

53. By Philip Muškovac

New upstream release (svn: 1256933, type: stable) LP: #872506

52. By Harald Sitter

New upstream release (svn: 1250835, type: stable)

51. By Harald Sitter

* New upstream release (svn: 1242643, type: stable)
* Bump kdelibs deps to 4.7.0
* Update readme.source with new branch url
* Update control VCS entries with new branch url
* Stop getting old kdepim 4.5 translations (4.7 is now in oneiric)

50. By Harald Sitter

* Enable easy switching between stable and unstable translations
* Make module desktop fetching more robust by trying to step into every
  element within the messages directory and if successful try to svn export
  a related desktop file
* Update build script for new branch name
* Update build script to use ftpmaster rather than ktown
* Introduce new targets:
  - get-l10n: called by the build script and
    depends on all other targets that need execution to get l10n
  - get-desktop: prerequisites all targets to get desktop file translations
  - get-messages: prerequisites all targets to get UI translations
  - get-messages-kdepim: gets all kdepim translations
  - get-desktop-sc: gets all desktop files for all modules in the source tree
  - get-desktop-extragear: gets all desktop files for extragera apps in main
    (as per list installed by pkg-kde-tools)
  - get-desktop-kdepim: copies kdepim's desktop file to kdepim_runtime
* Introduce new debian/config file which hold settings for rules and build
* Check presence of necessary debian/config values in debian/rules
* Fetch desktop files by regex in debian/rules (split modules have multiple
  desktop_* files in their SVN path)
* Bump standards version to 3.9.2
* Update VCS paths (now living in the kubuntu-packaging project)

49. By Jonathan Riddell

[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* New upstream release

[ Felix Geyer ]
* Don't use quilt, obsolete with source format 3.0.
* Compress the debian packaging tarball with bzip2.

48. By Felix Geyer

New upstream release

47. By Jonathan Riddell

New upstream release

46. By Jonathan Riddell

New upstream RC release

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
Stacked on:
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
