
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

16. By Harald Sitter

No-change rebuild to stop desktop file stripping (LP: #851953)

15. By Jose Manuel Santamaria Lema

Initial release (Closes: #577639)

14. By Felix Geyer

* New upstream release.
* Build-depend on kdelibs5-dev instead of kdebase-workspace-dev.
* Build-depend libqtgstreamer-dev instead of qtgstreamer-dev.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2, no changes needed.
* Switch debhelper compat level 8.
* Drop unused lintian overrides.
* Enable parallel building.

13. By Rohan Garg

* Remove libvlc-dev from build depends (LP: #712534)
* Remove vlc from kamoso Depends

12. By Rohan Garg

* New upstream release
  - Drop kubuntu_01_fix_qmax_on_armel.diff

11. By Jonathan Thomas

Add the missing dependency on gstreamer0.10-x. (Otherwise kamoso crashes)

10. By Michał Zając

* New upstream release
* Added kipi-plugins to Recommends
* Added (QT)GStreamer, shared-desktop-ontolgies and glib-dev to
* kubuntu_01_fix_compile.diff vlc11-build-fix removed beacuse they are not
  needed anymore
* Refreshed and renamed armel-fix-qmax to kubuntu_01_fix_qmax_on_armel.diff

9. By Niall Creech

* armel-qmax-fix:
  - Fixes non existent call to qMax(qreal, double) on armel bug
  by casting double arg to qreal (LP: #642117)
* vlc11-build-fix:
  - Replace libvlc_exception and lib_media_player_set_drawable
  related code and to build against vlc 1.1 (LP: #642705)

8. By Alessandro Ghersi

Rebuild for libsolidcontrol4 -> libsolidcontrol4a transition

7. By Jonathan Thomas

* Transition from kde.mk to the KDE debhelper sequence from pkg-kde-tools:
  - Add build-depend on pkg-kde-tools 0.5.0 or greater
  - Use debhelper short rules with the KDE sequence in debian/rules
* Transition to source format 3.0:
  - Bump debhelper build-depend version to 7.3.16 or greater
  - Add debian/source/format, specifying 3.0 (quilt)
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4
* Add kubuntu_01_fix_compile.diff to cope with GCC changes that cause
  Kamoso to FTBFS

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
Stacked on:
This branch contains Public information 
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