
Created by James Westby and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/oneiric/kaffeine
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Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

72. By Harald Sitter

Sync bzr branch with archive to unbreak build

71. By Harald Sitter

No-change rebuild to stop desktop file stripping (LP: #851953)

70. By Philip Muškovac

[ Philip Muškovac ]
* Merge from debian unstable. (LP: #774874) Remaining changes:
  - Suggest, not depend, on libxine1-ffmpeg
  - Keep kubuntu_01_kaffeine_restricted_install.diff
* Refresh kubuntu_01_kaffeine_restricted_install.diff

[ Felix Geyer ]
* Revert changes from 1.1-0ubuntu2 as kaffeine doesn't use phonon.

69. By Jonathan Riddell

In kubuntu_01_kaffeine_restricted_install.diff install GStreamer
plugin instead of Xine

68. By Alessandro Ghersi

New upstream bugfix release

67. By Jonathan Riddell

Add export KUBUNTU_DESKTOP_POT=extragear-multimedia_kaffeine

66. By Alessandro Ghersi

* Merge with Debian unstable, remaining changes:
  - Suggest, not depend, on libxine1-ffmpeg
  - Keep kubuntu_01_kaffeine_restricted_install.diff
* Refresh kubuntu_01_kaffeine_restricted_install.diff

65. By Ralph Janke

* Merge with Debian unstable (LP: #583884), remaining changes:
  - Suggest, not depend, on libxine1-ffmpeg
  - Keep kubuntu_01_kaffeine_restricted_install.diff

64. By Jonathan Thomas

* Merge with Debian Experimental, remaining changes:
  - Build-depend on a lower version of pkg-kde-tools
  - Suggest, not depend, on libxine1-ffmpeg
  - Keep kubuntu_01_kaffeine_restricted_install.diff

63. By Alessandro Ghersi

* New upstream release (LP: #515266)
  - Drop kubuntu_01_qt_phonon.diff no longer need
  - Refresh kubuntu_02_kaffeine_restricted_install and renamed to
* Merge with Debian remaining changes:
  - Don't add phonon-backend-xine, libxine1-ffmpeg, libxine1-x to depends
  - Add kubuntu_01_kaffeine_restricted_install.diff
  - Add series file and quilt to build depends
  - Add libxine-dev (required) to build-depends
  - Build with kde sequence addon, kde.mk is deprecated
  - Add README.source

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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