
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

19. By Matthias Klose

Don't use deprecated G_CONST_RETURN. LP: #829504.

18. By Matthias Klose

* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
  - debian/rules:
    + make cdbs run autoconf
    + Set DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_LIBTOOL := pre; updating the rest of the
      autotools but not libtool doesn't work all that well nowadays.
  - Define _GNU_SOURCE in translation units that need struct ucred.
  - debian/control.in:
    + build-depend on autoconf, automake, and libtool
  - Build a python-gamin-dbg package.
  - debian/patches/01_python-dbg.patch:
    + patch configure.in to fix PYTHON_INCLUDES macro
  - debian/libgamin0.shlibs: Fix libfam shlibs to prefer libgamin0 (to
    keep fam out of main).
* Drop the debian/patches/90_autoreconf.patch patch

17. By Matthias Klose

Rebuild to drop the extension for python2.5.

16. By Felix Geyer

* debian/rules:
  - update default automake to 1.11 and autoconf to 2.64
    to fix FTBFS (LP: #430167)

15. By Steve Langasek

* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining changes:
  - debian/rules:
    + make cdbs run autoconf
    + Set DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_LIBTOOL := pre; updating the rest of the
      autotools but not libtool doesn't work all that well nowadays.
  - Define _GNU_SOURCE in translation units that need struct ucred.
  - debian/control.in:
    + build-depend on autoconf, automake, and libtool
  - Build a python-gamin-dbg package.
  - debian/patches/01_python-dbg.patch:
    + patch configure.in to fix PYTHON_INCLUDES macro
  - debian/libgamin0.shlibs: Fix libfam shlibs to prefer libgamin0 (to
    keep fam out of main).
* debian/patches/16_armel-gnueabi.patch: don't touch configure, since we're
  mangling this at build time anyway

14. By Matthias Klose

Rebuild for python2.6, no changes.

13. By Colin Watson

* Set DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_LIBTOOL := pre; updating the rest of the autotools
  but not libtool doesn't work all that well nowadays.
* Define _GNU_SOURCE in translation units that need struct ucred.

12. By Michael Vogt

* debian/control.in:
  - add missing automake, libtool Build-Depends to fix FTBFS
* debian/rules:
  - update default automake to 1.10

11. By Michael Vogt

* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
  - Build a python-gamin-dbg package.
  - debian/patches/01_python-dbg.patch:
    + patch configure.in to fix PYTHON_INCLUDES macro
  - debian/rules:
    + make cdbs run autoconf (and b-d on autoconf, automake1.9)
  - Set Ubuntu maintainer address.
  - debian/libgamin0.shlibs: Fix libfam shlibs to prefer libgamin0 (to
    keep fam out of main).

10. By Michael Vogt

* Merge from debian unstable, cleaning up the previous changes
  to make them more managable
* remaining changes:
  - Build a python-gamin-dbg package.
  - Add conflict/replaces for python2.4-gamin.
  - debian/patches/01_python-dbg.patch:
    + patch configure.in to fix PYTHON_INCLUDES macro
  - debian/rules:
    + make cdbs run autoconf (and b-d on autoconf, automake1.9)
  - Set Ubuntu maintainer address.
  - debian/libgamin0.shlibs: Fix libfam shlibs to prefer libgamin0 (to
    keep fam out of main).

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