- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/natty-updates/python-distutils-extra
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 27. By Jamie Strandboge
* Fix installation of symlinks in data/ dir (LP: #770566):
- test/auto.py: Add test for installing a symlink which points to a
nonexisting target directory/file. This reproduces the gist of the
- test/auto.py: Preserve symlinks in copytree() calls, so that we can
actually verify that symlinks are preserved properly.
- test/auto.py: Drop requirement that diff throws no error messages, as it
will complain about the broken symlink.
- DistUtilsExtra/auto.py, install_auto: Use os.walk() instead of
distutils.filelist. findall( ) to pick out symlinks, as the latter fails
badly with broken symlinks.
- DistUtilsExtra/command/ build_icons. py: Ignore symbolic links. distutils
breaks on them when they point to a nonexisting target, and we handle
them in auto.py.
- http://bazaar. launchpad. net/~python- distutils- extra-hackers/ python- distutils- extra/debian/ revision/ 250 - 26. By Martin Pitt
[ Manuel de la Pena ]
DistUtilsExtra/auto.py: Fix ValueError crash when scanning the
ctypes.wintypes import. (LP: #735698) - 25. By Martin Pitt
[ Michael Terry ]
* build_help.py: Support mallard help files too. (LP: #729451)[ Martin Pitt ]
* auto.py: Revert to "except SyntaxError, e" syntax, as Python 2.5 (which we
still support in current sid) does not yet get along with the new "as"
syntax. (Closes: #615177)
* debian/rules: Reintroduce 2to3 call, as we now need to convert above
except clause back to "as" for the Python 3. - 24. By Martin Pitt
* Port code to be fully Python 3 compatible; apply some small tricks to
still work with Python 2 as well.
* debian/rules: Drop 2to3 call, unnecessary now.
* test/auto.py: Properly close read files to fix ResourceWarnings under
Python 3.
* test/auto.py: Ignore "pipe2 set errno ENOSYS; falling back to non-atomic
pipe+fcntl" warning which happens when building on the Ubuntu buildds (see
LP #718784). These cause unexpected stderr output and break the tests. - 23. By Martin Pitt
* auto.py: Fix the string comparison to not install *.notifyrc.in files
twice. Thanks Éric Araujo for spotting this!
* DistUtilsExtra/auto.py, __provides(): Do not accidentally clobber
"py_modules" with "packages", by using a proper copy of the list. Remove
error filter workaround from test/auto.py.
* Rename "check" command to "pylint", to avoid clobbering distutils' own
check command in 2.7/3.x. (LP: #714655)
* DistUtilsExtra/auto.py, DistUtilsExtra/ command/ __init_ _.py: Actually
expose the pylint command as a setup.py command.
* Remove pykdeuic4 integration, it's been a continuous source of build
failures and bugs. Using uic.loadUi() is much more robust.
Instead, install Qt *.ui files into /usr/share/projectname/ just like the
GtkBuilder *.ui files.
* debian/compat, debian/control: Bump to dh 7 compatibility, as we are using
dh_auto_* magic. - 22. By Martin Pitt
[ Didier Roche ]
* debian/local/python- mkdebian: (LP: #625581)
- add --force-rules to force the rules file to be recreated
- add --prefix to force a prefix other than /usr for installing your python
* debian/local/python- mkdebian. 1:
- add man for --force-copyright
- add man for --force-rules and --prefix - 21. By Martin Pitt
[ Martin Pitt ]
* auto.py: Skip setup.py when calculating automatic requires, since
modules from that script are just build dependencies. Thanks Michael
Terry! (LP: #643655)
* python-mkdebian: Update python-mkdebian's generated copyright fields with
latest names/values from http://dep.debian. net/deps/ dep5/. Thanks Michael
* Rebuild against Python 2.7 in Ubuntu. (LP: #670188)[ Didier Roche ]
* Return an error when can't update changelog (LP: #656950)
* Add --force-copyright to force copyright file to be recreated
(LP: #656943) - 20. By Martin Pitt
* Upload to unstable, now that the current python3 is in unstable.
* Add debian/watch.
* Add bzr-builddeb configuration (merge mode).
* debian/copyright: Add missing Canonical copyright (Closes: #597548).
While we are at it, also convert the file to DEP-5, and fix the
common-licenses link to point to the versioned GPL.
* DistUtilsExtra/command/ check.py: Remove explicit GPL-3 license header, so
that the file falls under the package's general GPL-2+ license. Rodney
Dawes, the author, gave his explicit permission for this in #597548 (in
fact, GPL-3 was unintended in the first place).
* test/auto.py: Ignore python warning about import from local path. - 18. By Martin Pitt
[ Umang Varma ]
* python-mkdebian: Fix duplicate dependency substitutions. (LP: #608304)
* python-mkdebian: Add --distribution switch for the changelog. If not
specified, python-mkdebian will detect the distribution as before.
(LP: #608589)
* python-mkdebian: Add --no-changelog flag. (LP: #587538)[ Martin Pitt ]
* debian/control: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.1, no changes necessary.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)