
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

13. By Timo Aaltonen

102_add_support_for_lenovo_x220.diff: Add an id for Lenovo X220
tablet. (LP: #746652)

12. By Chris Halse Rogers

* New upstream release (LP: #599512). Fixes build against Xserver 1.9.
* debian/watch:
  + Canonical source is now on SourceForge, where we can watch it. Do so.
* debian/control:
  + Bump build-dep on xserver-xorg-dev to ensure we build against the new
    Xserver 1.9 ABI.
* debian/patches/100_ntrig_2010_02_03.patch:
  + Drop; it no longer applies. Replace with equivalent upstream commit
    in 100_add_ntrig_ids.patch

11. By Kees Cook

debian/xserver-xorg-input-wacom.udev: revert udev rules for serial PNP
devices to use correct rules from Lucid (Debian bug 589847).

10. By Chris Halse Rogers

* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
  + 107_ntrig_tabletpc.patch: PCI id for N-Trig TabletPC
  + debian/rules: use xsfbs & xsfbs patch system
  + debian/control: add B-D on quilt
  + Add epoch
* Update to new upstream version
  + Drop 101_strcat_args.patch, included in new upstream version.
  + Drop debian/local: xorg.conf.d snippet is now shipped upstream.
* debian/rules:
  + Use xsfbs targets rather than hand-coding server ABI substvars.
  + Drop deletion of HAL rules; new upstream no longer installs them.
* debian/control:
  + Add ${misc:Depends} to silence lintian
  + Use ${xinpdriver:Depends} rather than deprecated ${xserver:Depends}
* Update debian/xsfbs
* Add XSF README.source

9. By Timo Aaltonen

Autoreconf so that it builds too..

8. By Timo Aaltonen

10-wacom.conf: Don't claim to support WALTOP tablets, it needs more
work. Let evdev handle them now (392825).

7. By Bryce Harrington

* Add 101_strcat_args.patch: Cherrypick from upstream.
  Fix buffer copy error.
* Previous upload solved spurious stylus events with serial wacom
  (LP: #532720)

6. By Timo Aaltonen

* Merge from debian.
* rules: Run xsfclean on clean.

5. By Bryce Harrington

Add 107_ntrig_tabletpc.patch: PCI id for N-Trig TabletPC
(LP: #541453)

4. By Timo Aaltonen

Add support for serial wacoms to the udev rules, thanks Tom Jaeger!
(LP: #522318)

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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