
Created by James Westby and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/maverick-proposed/wxwidgets2.8
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Branch merges

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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

29. By Benjamin Drung

Apply appmenu.patch to get menus back (LP: #662077).

28. By Devid Antonio Filoni

* python-wxversion: install wxversion.py in the right path (LP: #620280).
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.1.

27. By Devid Antonio Filoni

debian/rules: revert a change introduced in which broke
python-wxgtk2.8 postinst.

26. By Devid Antonio Filoni

* Merge *some* changes from Debian package (version This should
  make merges easier. Also fixes LP: #559822. Also merged several patches.
* Remove debian/patches/editra_pixmaps.dpatch patch, we don't ship editra
* Remove files which broke update-alternatives (LP: #379573).
* Switch to format 3.0 (quilt).

25. By Devid Antonio Filoni

* New upstream release (LP: #568985).
* Fix missing-debian-source-format info.
* Fix patch-system-but-no-source-readme lintian warning.
* Fix debhelper-but-no-misc-depends lintian warnings.
* Remove octave_oct, tcl_tk_tcl, CVE-2009-2369 and svn61009_fix_ftbfs
  patches, not needed anymore.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.0.

24. By Devid Antonio Filoni

* New upstream release (LP: #387424).
* Update debian/patches/tcl_tk.tcl.dpatch patch.
* Update debian/patches/editra_pixmaps.dpatch patch.
* Remove debian/patches/colours.dpatch patch, merged upstream.
* Remove useless debian/patches/WX_CONFIG.dpatch file.
* debian/control.in: modify *-dbg Section field to debug.
* debian/control.in: unfold the Build-Depends, Suggests, Replaces and
  Depends fields.
* Override ancient-libtool and outdated-autotools-helper-file lintian
  warnings and ancient-autotools-helper-file lintian errors.
* Fix debian-watch-file-should-use-sf-redirector lintian warning.
* Fix binary-control-field-duplicates-source lintian infos.
* Fix duplicate-short-description lintian info.
* Move debian/*.desktop files to debian/desktop_files directory.
* Move debian/*.1 files to debian/manpages directory.
* Remove useless debian/README.HowToBuild.txt file.
* Remove debian/build_all file, it isn't used.
* Add debian/patches/CVE-2009-2369.dpatch patch taken from Debian unstable,
  fix an integer overflow in the wxImage::Create function (CVE-2009-2369).
* Add debian/patches/svn61009_fix_ftbfs.dpatch patch taken from upstream
  SVN rev 61009, fix FTBFS caused by new versions of glib.
* debian/rules: fix FTBFS caused by some changes introduced in
* Add debian/patches/{wxversion_path, wx_pth_dbg}.dpatch patches with
  changes introduced directly to source in
* Do not provide python-wxaddons package, upstream doesn't ship wxaddons
* debian/control.in: add Homepage field.
* Fix description-possibly-contains-homepage lintian infos.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.2.

23. By Matthias Klose

* Don't call dh_pycentral twice for each package (introduced in LP: #355455.
* Call dh_pycentral for python-wxversion.
* python-wxversion replaces earlier python-wxgtk2.8. LP: #355424.

22. By Matthias Klose

[Isaac Gordezky]
* Fix duplicate directories in python2.6. LP: #337696.
* Fix handling of python .egg-info files using links
* Allow side-by-side install for python-wx2.6

[Matthias Klose]
* Fix wxaddons packaging.
* Call dh_pycentral with `include-links' instead of 'nomove'.
* debian/rules (clean): Remove uudecoded png icons.

21. By Matthias Klose

Fix a typo in the python-wxgtk2.8 postinst. LP: #333782.

20. By Matthias Klose

Fix installation of python-wxgtk2.8, hard coding the name of the
site directory. LP: #333149.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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