
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

47. By Chris Coulson

* Fix LP: #918052 - Error migrating extensions to be in-profile
  - Migrate the addon to a profile addon even if there is a system-wide
    addon with the same version. It seems this got broken during some recent
  - For newly installed addons, display the new addon tab, otherwise the
    addon stays disabled

46. By Chris Coulson

* New upstream release.
  - Support Firefox 9 and 10 (LP: #904594)
* New upstream release v0.9.2
  - Bump maxVersion to 8.*
* New upstream release v0.9.1
  - Rename AboutHome to AboutStartpage, and have it handle about:startpage now
    (to not conflict with the new about:home handler in Firefox)
  - Set default home page to about:startpage
  - Add support for the XPCOM changes in Gecko 2.0
  - In the restart notifier, don't hardcode a list of filenames for different
    browser versions, but just use MOZ_APP_LAUNCHER instead. This will
    indirectly fix LP: #511250 and should prevent it from happening again
  - Merge the plugin finder code from Firefox 4. This now uses AddonManager,
    so the MinVersion needs to be bumped
  - Drop the FF2.0 specific code
  - Drop the AddonsOverlay and associated code, this hasn't worked for
    several releases since we started using software-center, and nobody
    really noticed so far. We can reimplement this at a later date if wanted,
    but it throws JS exceptions when loading in FF4.0 now
  - Specify for the extension to be unpacked by the installer. Without this,
    the prefs aren't used
  - Get the distributionID field for the pfs URL from the preferences, rather
    than hard-coding a value
  - Fix LP: #579091 - ubufox interferes with toolbar buttons for other add-ons
    Don't initialize or assign any value to gBrowser in alternatePlugins.js.
    It runs in the context of browser.xul, so gBrowser will always exist
    once the browser window has loaded
  - Fix LP: #333799 - set a default dictionary language
  - Don't duplicate preferences that we're already setting in Firefox
  - Update Japanese(ja) translations (LP: #746538)
  - Fix LP: #750305 - Don't hard-code links and configs for each release.
    Rather than doing this manually for every release, we add a dist.js with
    distro information (populated at build time with lsb_release) and just
    do all this automatically.
  - Fix LP: #752364 - Plugin Finder Service never finds anything. Use the
    release info in dist.js to construct the URL, now that this got dropped
    from Firefox
  - Fix LP: #728826 - Update icons to new versions.
  - Drop the pluginGlue.js module. This didn't work, as we can no longer
    use a modules registerSelf method to use nsICategoryManager at startup,
    due to the XPCOM registration changes in Firefox 4. Instead, add
    category entries with the chrome.manifest
  - Fix LP: #709125 - User agent doesn't include Ubuntu in it so
    apt.ubuntu.com doesn't work. We add an extra X-Ubuntu HTTP header in
    requests to apt.ubuntu.com, rather than send this information out in
    every request in the UA string
* Revert an upstream commit to look in the new location for the restart
  required trigger
  - add debian/patches/use_old_restart_notifier_file.patch
  - add debian/patches/series
* Backport a change from trunk to support installing system-wide extensions in
  to the users profile, where they will get updates directly from upstream
  - add debian/patches/addon_installer.patch
  - update debian/patches/series
* Improve the addon installer module
* Move ubufox to the Firefox application directory

45. By Micah Gersten

[ Nobuto Murata <email address hidden> ]
* Change release notes target to 10.10 (LP: #664651)
  - add debian/patches/04_maverick_release_notes_links.patch
  - update debian/patches/series

[ Micah Gersten <email address hidden> ]
* Change translations and answers links to Maverick (LP: #664274)
  - add debian/patches/05_translations_answers_links.patch
  - update debian/patches/series

44. By Chris Coulson

* Fix LP: #589228 - Firefox homepage in Maverick is still set to 10.04
  version. Update the startpage URL now for Maverick
  - add debian/patches/03_maverick_startpage.patch
  - update debian/patches/series

43. By Micah Gersten

[ Chris Coulson ]
* Backport change to fix URL template used for about:home; this fixes the
  problem that Yahoo about:home cannot be reached; also we get rid of the
  redirect everyone is getting on about:home to the Google/ url (LP: #606728)
  - add debian/patches/02_fix_about_home.patch
  - add debian/patches/series

42. By Benjamin Drung

releasing version 0.9~rc2-0ubuntu3

41. By Benjamin Drung

Switch from debhelper 5 to 7.

40. By Benjamin Drung

Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.1 (no changes required).

39. By Benjamin Drung

Drop Vcs-Bzr field. It's maintained in lp:ubuntu/ubufox now.

38. By Benjamin Drung

Rename the binary package to xul-ext-ubufox.

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