
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

9. By Tyler Hicks

fake sync from Debian

8. By Bradley Smith <email address hidden>

Fix FTBFS on hurd. Thanks to Pino Toscano <email address hidden>.
Closes: #558790.

7. By Bradley Smith <email address hidden>

* Merge changes to unstable.
* Update Standards-Version to 3.8.1. (No changes).

6. By James Westby

* Add -f to relibtoolize call in debian/rules, so that there isn't a stale
  libtool script left in the tree causing a build failure.
* Drop the copy of ltmain.sh from debian as that undoes the good work of the

5. By Bradley Smith

* Bump shlibs version to 1.8.4-9. Closes: #487367.
* Correct dh_* rules order.
* Update Vcs entries in debian/control.
* Update Standards-Version to 3.8.0.
  - Support parallel=N in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS.

4. By Philipp Frauenfelder <email address hidden>

* Change dependency of libglut3[-dev] to freeglut3[-dev]. Closes: #394500
* Updated watch file.

3. By Philipp Frauenfelder <email address hidden>

* Corrected C++ syntax in ssgAux/ssgaSky.h. Thanks to
  neuro.harald AT surfeu.at for the patch. Closes: #260355
* Build-Depends on libx11-dev, libxmu-dev instead of xlibs-dev
* Removed build depends on g++, libc6.
* Changed (build) depends on libgl-dev to xlibmesa-gl-dev | libgl-dev

2. By Philipp Frauenfelder <email address hidden>

New upstream release

1. By Philipp Frauenfelder <email address hidden>

Import upstream version 1.4.1

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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