- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/maverick-security/language-selector
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 93. By Kees Cook
[ Kees Cook ]
* SECURITY UPDATE: language selector backend did not verify policy kit
- debian/language- selector- common. postinst: shut down old backend.
- CVE-2011-0729[ Martin Pitt ]
* dbus_backend/ls-dbus- backend: Actually look at the PolicyKit check result
and only proceed if it succeeded. Thanks to Romain Perier for finding this
and providing the patch! This fixes a local root privilege escalation, as
this allows any authenticated user to write arbitrary shell commands into
/etc/default/ locale. (LP: #764397)
* dbus_backend/ls-dbus- backend: Reject locale names with invalid characters
in it, to further prevent injecting shell code into /etc/default/locale
for authenticated users. Thanks to Felix Geyer for the initial patch!
(LP: #764397)
* debian/control: Update Vcs-Bzr: for newly created maverick branch. - 92. By Martin Pitt
* debian/rules: Disable pkgbinarymangler, to keep translations in the
package. In Natty this blacklisting will happen in the pkgbinarymangler
package (so that the programs other than pkgstriptranslations will still
apply), but this is a less invasive shortcut for Maverick. (LP: #654548)
* po/*: Update translations from Launchpad. - 91. By Colin Watson
Switch back to using os.rename in find_string_
and_replace, as we require
atomicity. Instead, always create the temporary file in the same
directory as the original (thanks, Scott Kitterman; LP: #645774). - 90. By Michael Vogt
[ Martin Pitt ]
* data/LanguageSelector. ui, LanguageSelecto r/gtk/GtkLangua geSelector. py: Add
a Close button. (LP: #345113)[ Michael Vogt ]
* fix aptdaemon install/update (LP: #612825) - 89. By Colin Watson
[ Colin Watson ]
* Use 'dh $@ --options' rather than 'dh --options $@', for
forward-compatibility with debhelper v8. [ Jonathan Thomas ]
* Port language-selector- qt to qapt-batch
* Replace the dependency on install-package to qapt-batch in
debian/control (LP: #497803) - 88. By Arne Goetje
[ Michael Vogt ]
* fix dialog returning too early (issue with latest aptdaemon)
* fix deprecation warning
* build with include-links
* dbus_backend/ls-dbus- backend: move dbus.mainloop.glib integration way up
to avoid crash on startup (LP: #598619) (LP: #596603)[ Arne Goetje ]
* clean up data/pkg-depends:
- remove enigmail-locale- (LP: #588254)
- remove obsolete kde-i18n- and koffice-i18n- entries, packages have
been removed from archive in Lucid.
* update fontconfig/69-language- selector- ja-jp.conf: change binding to
'strong' (LP: #569442)
* LocaleInfo.py: check for file permissions (LP: #598802)
* fix depreciation warnings
* debian/control: add pyqt4-dev-tools to Build-Depends - 87. By Michael Vogt
[ Michael Vogt ]
* add dbus backend, no need for gksu anymore (LP: #290570)
* use aptdaemon in the gtk frontend
* run tests at build time
* fix "installs missing packages without opt-out" (LP: #584438)
* code cleanup[Arne Goetje]
* raise exception and display error when package cache is broken (LP: #331380) - 86. By Arne Goetje
* Change fontconfig settings:
- zh-*: reorder font priority lists, put DejaVu and Bitstream Vera in front
(LP: #149944)
- zh-*: add WenQuanYi Microhei, Droid Sans Fallback and HYSong
- ja: add entries for Takao and IPA fonts, reorder and merge
required rendering options from the 29-language-selector- ja-jp.conf file
(LP: #535582)
- update 30-cjk-aliases.conf to include localized font names and fonts used
in Windows 7.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/natty/language-selector