
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

85. By Steve Beattie

* SECURITY UPDATE: Refresh packages to pull in security fixes,
  - lcms buffer overflow, CVE-2009-0793 (LP: #700198)
  - openssl: multiple issues, including CVE-2009-3555, CVE-2009-3245,
    and CVE-2010-2939
  - libpango1.0: multiple DoS, possible code execution issues:
    CVE-2010-0421, CVE-2011-0020, CVE-2011-0064
  - libfreetype: multiple DoS, possible code execution issues
  - nss: many issues

84. By Scott Ritchie

Final package freshening for Maverick

83. By Scott Ritchie

* Add libjasper1 (LP: #190227)
* Add libtalloc2 (LP: #653982)
* fetch-and-build: use --only-source when getting source packages to avoid
  getting wrong source package for libjasper1

82. By Scott Ritchie

Freshen packages (LP: #653982)

81. By Chris Coulson <email address hidden>

Fix LP: #646862 - Skype crashes after signing in. Add libx11-xcb1 and
libxcb-atom1 now that Pulse seems to need them

80. By Chris Coulson <email address hidden>

* Fix LP: #641056 - Loader chooses 64-bit instead of 32-bit library.
  Update the gdk-pixbuf version, and create a loaders.cache on instally
* Refresh packages

79. By Scott Ritchie

Add libgvfscommon0 (LP: #619293)

78. By Scott Ritchie

* Freshen packages
* sources.list.deb: use archive.ubuntu.com instead of za.archive.ubuntu.com

77. By Stefano Rivera

Add libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0, libxcb-shm0: Required by flashplayer (LP: #618787)

76. By Stefano Rivera

* Merge with Debian unstable. (LP: #618666) Remaining Ubuntu changes:
  - sources.list.deb: Debian -> Ubuntu archive apt sources.
  - Add debian/pango.modules and install them in debian/rules.
  - debian/rules:
    + Depend on lib32bz2-1.0 on amd64 instead of shipping it.
    + Depend on lib32v4l package
    + Automatically create all missing .so symlinks in /lib32
      and /usr/lib32 as the manual list of links was always out of sync and
      incomplete (LP: #277772, #309841).
    + Remove the automatically created libstdc++.so symlink, it's not needed.
      g++-4.3-multilib provides the right symlink (LP: #360870)
    + Add gvfs and symlinks for gio (LP: #369498)
    + Add symlink to libGL.so for Wine building (LP: #513554)
    + Compress packages with LZMA
  - debian/rules, debian/ia32-libs.conf: Add /lib32 and /usr/lib32 to ld
    search path.
  - fetch-and-build:
    + fetch-and-build: Add packages we want/need in Ubuntu. This also
      includes SDL and GTK, which are in separate source packages in Debian.
    + fetch-and-build: Do not die on source/binary version mismatch when
      defining $SOURCE_VER_MISMATCH. Useful right after opening a new Ubuntu
      release, when the archive is in heavy flux.
    + Dropped:
      > libartsc0 (which is now obsolete)
      > libxtrap6 (package seems to be gone from the archive)
    + Added:
      > libgsl0ldbl (LP: #130058)
      > libsmbios2 (dependency for libhal1)
      > libcelt0-0 (dependency for libjack0)
      > libmad0 (LP: #249794)
      > libvorbis0a (LP: #249794)
      > libvorbisfile3 (LP: #249794)
      > libwrap0 (LP: #290533)
* debian/control: Don't Conflict/Replace lib32bz2-1.0, as we depend on it.
* debian/rules: Bump GCC 4.3 to 4.5 to match new lib32gcc1
* fetch-and-build:
  - Added: gtk2-engines-qtcurve. Thanks to Craig Magina (LP: #574476)
  - Dropped: libesd-alsa0 (replaced by libesd0)
  - Bumped:
    + libdirectfb to 1.2-9 from 1.2-0
    + libao2 to libao4
    + odbcinsta1debian1 to odbcinsta1debian2

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