
Created by James Westby and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/maverick-proposed/armel-cross-toolchain-base
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

132. By Marcin Juszkiewicz

build binutils without sysroot support - closes LP: #598389

131. By Marcin Juszkiewicz

mangle linux-libc-dev version to have crossVER added

130. By Marcin Juszkiewicz

fix problem with translations archive

129. By Steve Langasek

[ Marcin Juszkiewicz ]
* mangle versions to have crossVER added
* do not generate gcc-4.5-*-base package
  * mangle libgcc1 to not need gcc-4.5-*-base and keep its documentation
  * libgcc1 keeps changelog of this package
* use only generated debs for mangling debian/control debian/files
  - closes LP: #640298
* adapt to recent change in linux-libc-dev version numbering

[ Steve Langasek ]
* make sure libgcc1-CROSS-dbg keeps a strict versioned dependency on
* debian/rules: misc code deduplication in repack_debs

128. By Marcin Juszkiewicz

* This package is part of LP: #634494
* Fixed DEB_NAME_ACT so it will not fail with "duplicated ancestry".
* control: cleaned build dependencies (with help from Matthias Klose)
* build binutils without checking dependencies - dejagnu is not needed for cross build
* bump gcc-4.4/4.5 requirements, drop merged patches

127. By Marcin Juszkiewicz

* Making improvements to package to get it accepted into Ubuntu.
  - added copyright informations
  - source/format: set to 3.0 (native)
  - added README.source with informations how package works
  - fixed linux-source dependency

* debian/control changes:
  - generated new one with all build dependencies cleaned
  - added entries for generated packages
  - added Vcs- fields
  - removed regeneration of debian/control during build
  - set Priority to extra
  - set "Section: debug" for all -dbg packages

* debian/rules:
  - dropped version mangling which was needed in ppa
  - dropped using architecture name from rules
  - use quilt to apply patches for gcc (for eglibc it generated conflicts
    during it's "debian/rules clean" step)
  - use "tar -xf" and depend on tar 1.20+

* GCC changes:
  - updated gcc debian/control.m4 patch to fix all priority and section fields
  - all GCC patches are merged and will be present in next versions of

126. By Steve Langasek

merge 1.50 from Marcin

125. By Marcin Juszkiewicz


124. By Marcin Juszkiewicz

do not mangle version of translations - fix it properly

123. By Marcin Juszkiewicz

rename translations archive

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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