
Created by James Westby and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/lucid/mailscanner
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

14. By Simon Walter

* New upstream release (Closes: #506353)
  Fixes symlink vulnerability CVE-2008-5312, CVE-2008-5313, CVE-2008-5140
* Added new description to install MailScanner with sendmail and queue aging
  README.sendmail.2 thanks to Jim Barber
* Fixed patch for exim installation (Closes: #512338)

13. By Simon Walter

* New upstream release (Closes: #490948, #495904)
* Since 4.69.9 --id=<message-id> and --debug allow
  to scan a single message (Closes: #177027)
* Fixed init.d script to stop possible respawning mailscanner
  instances (Closes: #491037)
* Fixed a bug which prevented update_virus_scanner to execute
  the autoupdate-scripts, thanks to Achim J. Latz

12. By Simon Walter

* New upstream release
* Removed unused templates (Closes: #472676, #472067, #469916)
* Fix broken non-standard conform init-script, which caused upgrade problems
  invoke-rc.d requires initscripts to return 0 if the daemon was already
  stopped (Closes: #472489)

11. By Jérémie Corbier

* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
  - debian/init.d: check_dir tries to create missing directories before
* Update Maintainer field following the Debian-Maintainer-Field spec.

10. By Jérémie Corbier

* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
  - debian/init.d: check_dir tries to create missing directories before

9. By Jérémie Corbier

* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
  - debian/init.d: check_dir tries to create missing directories before

8. By Jérémie Corbier

* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
  - debian/init.d: check_dir tries to create missing directories before

7. By Jérémie Corbier

Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
-> debian/init.d: check_dir tries to create missing directories before

6. By Jérémie Corbier

debian/init.d: check_dir tries to create the missing directories and to
set the correct rights instead of failing (Closes: Malone #39987).

5. By Matthias Klose

* New upstream version.
* etc/reports/pt_br.old: Remove from source, repackage source due to
  wrong permissions in archive.
* Update dependencies.
* debian/patches/awk-location, debian/patches/filetype.rules.conf: Remove.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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