- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/lucid-proposed/indicator-application
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 31. By Jo Shields
* bindings/
mono/appindicat or-sharp- 0.1.pc. in:
+ Fix pcfile to point to library install location (LP: #564506)
* debian/control,
debian/libappindicator 0-cil.install,
debian/libappindicator 0-cil.installcl igac,
debian/libappindicator -cil-dev. install,
debian/libappindicator 0.0-cil. install,
debian/libappindicator 0.0-cil. installcligac,
debian/libappindicator 0.1-cil- dev.install:
+ Rename packages to comply with Debian CLI policy
* debian/libappindicator 0.0-cil. install,
debian/libappindicator 0.0-cil. installcligac:
+ Fix library install location to comply with Debian CLI policy
* debian/control,
+ Pass CSC variable to use mono-csc default compiler from mono-devel
2.4.3, rather than the default 2.0-only compiler
* debian/rules:
+ Fix processing of rules to track dependency information on Mono
binding, by running rules in correct order - 29. By Chow Loong Jin
* debian/control:
+ Set libappindicator0-cil and libappindicator -cil-dev to Arch: all
+ Make libappindicator0-cil depend on libappindicator0 >= ${source:Version}
* debian/rules:
+ Fix ordering of dh_*cli* (LP: #560095)
* debian/libappindicator 0-cil.install,
debian/libappindicator 0-cil.installcl igac:
+ Fix CLI policy breakage:
- Wrong installation paths for GAC'd CLI libraries
- Direct installation of GAC'd libraries - 28. By Ted Gould
* New upstream release.
* Setup the icons to use the -panel variants even when falling
back to status icons. (LP: #547072)
* Change python bindings to use _with_path so that they can set
the icon path. (LP: #527061)
* Don't set the fallback timer if we're already in a fallback
mode to avoid unfalling back excessively. (LP: #529052)
* Fix distcheck of documentation - 27. By Ted Gould
* Upstream Release 0.0.18
* Change when there are updates to Check and Radio buttons via
their actions. (LP: #542221)
* Fixing icon updating with themes and naming fallbacks with
the status icon fallback. (LP: #532858) - 26. By Ted Gould
* Upstream Release 0.0.17
* Support GTK's show menu items property (LP: #528527)
* Fix status and category nicks in Python bindings (LP: #539858)
* Switch domains to org.kde instead of org.freedesktop as spec
was never officially approved by that body.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)