
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

16. By Jamie Strandboge

* Merge from Debian experimental (LP: #548480). Bugfix only release.
  Remaining changes:
  - debian/rules: Include clean-la.mk from cdbs to clean up the
    dependency_libs field in libgsasl.la.
* debian/control: drop libgsasl7 Depends on libgcrypt to what we have in
  Lucid (1.4.4-5). See Debian bug #564661.

15. By Jamie Strandboge

libgsasl7-dev: Depend on libgcrypt11-dev in order to make
libgcrypt.la available. See Debian bug #564378. (LP: #538126)

14. By Michael Bienia

debian/rules: Include clean-la.mk from cdbs to clean up the
dependency_libs field in libgsasl.la.

13. By Simon Josefsson

[Simon Josefsson]

* New upstream version (Closes: #552322).
* Use correct URL in watch file.
* Fix duplicate-long-description lintian warning by improving the
  package descriptions.
* Fix missing-dependency-on-install-info for the gsasl package.
* Upgrade standards version to 3.8.3.
* Add Simon to Uploaders, and add DM-Upload-Allowed: yes.

[Marcelo Jorge Vieira]

* Changed VCS information from upstream to team

12. By Steve Langasek

No-change rebuild against libkrb5-3

11. By Jorge Salamero Sanz

* New Upstream Version (Closes: #494625).
* Added ${misc:Depends} in debian/control.
* Bumped Standard-Versions in debian/control.
* Updated to debhelper 7.
* Minor changes in debian/copyright.

10. By Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo

* Set Maintainer as the Debian XMPP Team and add Jorge Salamero Sanz
  as an Uploader
* Development package must depend on libkrb5-dev. Thanks Philipp Kern.
  (Closes: #502469)
* Urgency high because of RC bug.

9. By Steve Kowalik

No-change rebuild for libgnutls13 -> libgnutls26 transistion.

8. By Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo

New upstream release (Closes: #482470)

7. By Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo

* Bump debhelper compat to 5.
* Switched to CDBS.
* Includes shlibs files. (Closes: #448230)
* Update Homepage field in control to the new format.
* Added Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Git fields to source control.
* Updated Standards-Version to no changes needed

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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