
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

41. By Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre

* Merge from Debian testing, remaining changes: (LP: #490326)
  - fix buildd bustage by ignoring errors in postinst and prerm (taken
    from debian NMU by Riku Voipio <email address hidden>)
    - add debian/fontconfig.prerm
    - update debian/fontconfig.postinst
  - debian/fontconfig-config.postinst: drop debconf transition;
    we remove conf.d links for hinting, subpixel and bitmap configs
    and stop looking at debconf, excluding 70-no-bitmaps.conf.
  - debian/fontconfig-config.postinst: also exclude 70-no-bitmaps.conf
    from "drop debconf transition" to ensure that it doesn't get removed
    - keep adding it in CONF_FILES through 07_no_bitmaps.patch as well.
  - debian/patches/00_old_diff_gz.patch:
    - add MgOpen Moderna family to 40-nonlatin.conf
    - reorder Bitstream Vera and DejaVu families in 60-latin.conf
  - debian/patches/00_old_diff_gz.patch,
    - add extra config files:
      - antialias and hinting.
      - 52-languageselector.conf
      - 53-monospace-lcd-filter.conf
  - debian/patches/05_lcdfilterlegacy.patch: Recognize const value
    "lcdfilterlegacy", introduced before upstream did introduce "lcdlegacy"
  - debian/patches/06_ubuntu_lcddefault.patch: set lcddefault as default
  - drop debian/fontconfig-config.templates, debian/fontconfig-config.config,
    and associtated po files.
* purge debconf database when upgrading from previous versions.

40. By Alexander Sack

* fix buildd bustage by ignoring errors in postinst and prerm (taken
  from debian NMU by Riku Voipio <email address hidden>)
  - add debian/fontconfig.prerm
  - update debian/fontconfig.postinst

39. By Alexander Sack

* more config rules cleanup; dont create 10-no-sub-pixel.conf link in package
  - update debian/patches/00_old_diff_gz.patch
* remove languageselector.conf link creation from Makefile.am
  - update debian/patches/00_old_diff_gz.patch
* also fix buildsystem patches to ship 10-hinting-slight.conf instead of
  - update debian/patches/00_old_diff_gz.patch
  - update debian/patches/06_ubuntu_lcddefault.patch
  - update debian/patches/07_no_bitmaps.patch
* retrigger "drop debconf transition" for this upload
  - update debian/fontconfig-config.postinst

38. By Alexander Sack

* fix typo in postinst to ensure that all files targetted in "cleanup old conf.d
  links transition" get really removed; also make the transition version bounds
  backport friendly
  - update debian/fontconfig-config.postinst

37. By Alexander Sack

* debian/patches/07_no_bitmaps.patch: enable 70-no-bitmaps.conf by
  default; we add it to the CONF_LINKS in conf.d/Makefile.am,in to
  fix regressions reported (LP: #305394, #344629)
* debian/fontconfig-config.postinst: also exclude 70-no-bitmaps.conf from
  "drop debconf transition" to ensure that it doesn't get removed
  automatically (LP: #305394, #344629)
* debian/patches/20_anymetric.patch: drop rules and code patch that
  introduced FC_ANY_METRICS - this change never made it upstream and
  firefox doesnt use it anymore.

36. By Alexander Sack

* fix build failure due to droppage of 02_ubuntu_fonts_conf.patch; we
  also had to remove the 52-languageselector.conf parts from our
* fix buildd bustage introduced in 2.6.0-1ubuntu7; including debconf
  /usr/share/debconf/confmodule after removing all debconf is wrong;
  dont do that anymore.

35. By Alexander Sack

* debian/fontconfig-config.postinst: cleanup old conf.d links transition;
  we remove autohint.conf,no-bitmaps.conf,no-sub-pixel.conf,sub-pixel.conf,
  unhinted.conf,yes-bitmaps.conf which have been reported as left overs;
  we are polite and use rm_conffile for files that exist but are not symbolic
  links; see LP: #332992 and LP: #305394
* remove debian/patches/02_ubuntu_fonts_conf.patch which got superseeded by
  files shipped by language-selector package.

34. By Alexander Sack

* debian/fontconfig-config.postinst: drop debconf transition;
  we remove conf.d links for hinting, subpixel and bitmap configs
  and stop looking at debconf
  - remove debian/fontconfig-config.templates accordingly
  - remove debian/po/ directory with template translations
  - debian/rules: remove debconfpo logics

33. By Alexander Sack

add debian/patches/20_anymetric.patch: fork anymetrics changes from
debian/patches/00_old_diff_gz.patch into separate patchwhich is supposed
to be dropped soonish

32. By Alexander Sack

add debian/patches/00_old_diff_gz.patch: eliminate stuff from diff.gz
and move it to its own diff for now

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