
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

8. By Jean-Michel Dault

 * Bug fixes:
  - debian/dahdi-dkms.install.in : add .version
  - debian/dkms.conf.in : do not 'make clean' after compile. We have to
    do this because the wanpipe (sangoma) drivers need Module.symvers.
  - debian/rules : cleanup dahdi-dkms.install and dkms.conf after build
  - debian/control : add Depends gcc
  - debian/control : add wget and gawk (LP: #481566, LP: #444522, LP: #429510)

7. By Jean-Michel Dault

* Merge from debian pkg-voip
  * Changes from Debian:
  - debian/control: Change Maintainer
  - debian/control: Removed Uploaders field.
  - debian/control: Removed Debian Vcs-Svn entry and replaced with
      ubuntu-voip Vcs-Bzr, to reflect divergence in packages.
  - debian/control: Fix typo (right command is m-a a-i dahdi-source)
  - debian/rules: Fix typo (s/rules/rules.d/)
* Import modifications by Javier Uruen Val <email address hidden>:
  - debian/system.conf
  - debian/modules
* DKMS support:
  - debian/control: Added Depends to dahdi-linux (dahdi-dkms | dahdi-source)
  - debian/control: Add dkms package
  - debian/dahdi-dkms.install
  - debian/dahdi-dkms.postinst
  - debian/dahdi-dkms.prerm
  - debian/dahdi-linux.install
  - debian/rules: add code to automatically configure dkms.conf
  - debian/dkms.conf.in

* From debian pkg-voip SVN:
[ Tzafrir Cohen ]
* New upstream release (Closes: #564739).
* Dropped patch wcfxo_reset_fix: merged upstream.
* Section name of dahdi-source: kernel
* Also provide an example xpp.conf .
* Patch uk_rotary (Closes: #546329).
* Override the bogus lintian warning for 'm-a a-i dahdi'
* Remove some remaining Zaptel left-overs.
* Replaced extra drivers and patches with huge patch dahdi_linux_extra
  (Closes: #564720).
* Patch xpp_udev_rules_2632: fix XPP udev rules (Closes: #562024).
* Also copy the .version file, to make sure modules have versions.
* Move xpp udev rules under /lib. Name still kept for the sake of
  simplicity (thanks, Lintian).

6. By Dave Walker

* debian/dahdi-dkms.{postint|prerm}: Changed to ensure ~dfsg is
  stripped from expected version string for DKMS. (LP: #428167)
* Patch wctc4xxp_use-struct-net_device_ops: Resolve change in
  kernel >2.6.31 dropping COMPAT_NET_DEV_OPS support and now using
  net_device_ops API. Based on upstream SVN patch. (LP: #427605)
* Patch zaphfc_no_owner: Fix zaphfc ownership with kernel >2.6.30.
  (courtesy of Debian pkg-voip).
* debian/dahdi-dkms.postinst: Standardised to be inline with DKMS
  upstream example, using DKMS package postint script.
* debian/control:
  - Removed Debian Vcs-Svn entry and replaced with ubuntu-voip
    Vcs-Bzr, to reflect divergence in packages.
  - Added Depends to dahdi-linux (dahdi-dkms | dahdi-source)
  - Removed Uploaders field.

5. By Jean-Michel Dault

* Merge from Debian pkg-voip
* Update to release, since it fixes a lot of kernel panics
  and contains several regression fixes
* Add dkms package
* Change Maintainer and Standards version
* Import modifications by Javier Uruen Val <email address hidden>:
  - Add system.conf to debian/ and use install
  - Add modules to install in /etc/dahdi/modules
  - Create /etc/dahdi/system.conf

* Debian changes

[Tzafrir Cohen]
 * New upstream release
 * New openvox drivers: r113 from their SVN.
 * Fix copyright file for origin of OpenVox drivers.
 * Use new zaphfc drivers from http://code.google.com/p/zaphfc/ .
   Note that those use hardhdlc in system.conf .
 * Remove obsolete bristuff drivers we don't build anyway.
   Leave vzaphfc for now as this is practically upstream.
 * Not applying bri_dchan. Astribank BRI spans will use hardhdlc.

4. By Mark Purcell

New upstream release

3. By Mark Purcell

* New upstream release

[ Tzafrir Cohen ]
* Dropped qozap as wcb4xxp provides that functionality.
* New upstream RC.
* Actually build OpenVox drivers.
* opvxa1200.c: rev. (battery fixes and such)
* Fix '${match}' in udev rules file (hardwire).
* no_firmware_download: Disable downloading a binary kernel module at
  build time.

[ Victor Seva ]
* fix debian/watch.

2. By Mark Purcell

[ Tzafrir Cohen ]
* Zaptel renamed DAHDI and split to dahdi-linux and dahdi-tools.
* DAHDI is incompatible (ABI and API) with Zaptel. All modules need to
  be adapted.
* OSLEC wrapper included upstream. Includeing a version of the OSLEC code
  from the kernel staging directory.
  - Patch oslec_kernelorg: Upstream kernel.org OSLEC code.
* Dropping some aparantly unused external Zaptel drivers.
* Extra drivers moved from kernel/ to drivers/dahdi/ to fit the kernel tree.
* UDEV rules are handled here as well. No need to change device names,
  only set permissions.
* Patch fix_readme_astribank: Fix an asciidoc formatting issue.
* Patch oslec_kbuild: Make oslec's build unconditional.
* Fix for zaphfc with DAHDI (by Timo Teräs <email address hidden>)
* qozap no longer included: Use wcb4xxp instead.
* ztgsm no longer built: nobody really used it.
* cwain and vzaphfc currently included but not built.
* Don't generate static device files automatically. Provide a script
  to do that. Until we know if there is an actual use for the non-udev

[ Mark Purcell ]
* Update Description: fixes description-starts-with-package-name
* Add ${misc:Depends} - debhelper-but-no-misc-depends
* Add myself to uploaders
* debian/compat -> 7
  - Fixes:package-uses-deprecated-debhelper-compat-version
* Upload to experimental while we await NEW & debian-release

1. By Mark Purcell

Import upstream version

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