
Created by James Westby and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/lucid-proposed/clamav
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

86. By Scott Kitterman

* Microversion update for Lucid (LP: #691414)
  - Improved database login times
  - Expanded use of new bytecode signatures
  - Other bugfixes/improvements

85. By Scott Kitterman

Microversion update to 0.96.3 for Lucid (LP: #653738)

84. By Scott Kitterman

Microversion update to 0.96.3 for Lucid (LP: #653738)

83. By Scott Kitterman

* Add commit c8f3cdbf31a7a51c643fd4e784773a91d872261a from upstream,
  inadvertently omitted from the last upload
  - Fix the PowerPC workaround to not crash when not using the JIT

82. By Scott Kitterman

[ Stephen Gran ]
* Fixed typo in clamav-milter's postinst
* Protect against bogus values in clamav-freshclam.config

[ Michael Tautschnig ]
* Fixed typo in clamav-freshclam's postinst (closes: #579271)

[ Scott Kitterman ]
* Cherry pick packaging fixes for Lucid (LP: #571543)
* Detect incorrect value for clamav-freshclam/NotifyClamd and set it to true
* Cherry pick powerpc clamd failure to start from upstream (LP: #574906)

81. By Scott Kitterman

* Merge from Debian Unstable. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
  - Drop initial signature definitions from clamav-base
  - Drop build-dep on electric-fence (in Universe)
  - Add apparmor profiles for clamd and freshclam along with maintainer
    script changes

80. By Scott Kitterman

[ Scott Kitterman ]
* Cherry pick packaging fixes from Debian pkg-clamav git (LP: #561751)

[ Stephen Gran ]
* Note that this series (closes: #577462)
* Added debconf handling of new config options (closes: #577611)
* Remove code from clamav-milter.postrm that cleans up install directories
  - No longer needed as other packages do that now

[ Michael Tautschnig ]
* Create and maintain logrotate file (closes: #577041)
* Set milter's LogFile debconf option to a non-blank value; LogFile was
  implicitly enabled by default anyway through postinst logic; make LogTime
  default to sync with clamav-daemon (closes: #534748)
* Copy files from /usr/share/doc/clamav-base/examples/ only if this dir
  exists (closes: #550641)

79. By Scott Kitterman

* Merge from Debian Unstable. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
  - Drop initial signature definitions from clamav-base
  - Drop build-dep on electric-fence (in Universe)
  - Add apparmor profiles for clamd and freshclam along with maintainer
    script changes
* Adjust debconf processing for new option to the default priority procuces
  valid configuration files

78. By Scott Kitterman

* SECURITY UPDATE: (LP: #553266)
* References clamav bugs #1771 and #1826
* libclamav/mspack.c: fix Quantum decompressor (bb#1771)
  - clamav git 224fee54dd6cd8933d7007331ec2bfca0398d4b4
* libclamav/mspack.c: improve unpacking of malformed cabinets (bb#1826)
  - clamav git 31b77b3fb589ab07e7b4d84f8b3825178864ee51

77. By Scott Kitterman

* Add a check in debian/clamav-daemon.init.in to see if signatures are
  present before starting and exit with a useful log message if not
  - Much more likely now that we don't ship signatures in clamav-base
* Removed the new bytcode.cvd file along with the other signature files when
  clamav-base or clamav-freshclam are removed

Branch metadata

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