
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Branch merges

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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

15. By Chris Coulson

* Backport from Lucid to support Firefox 3.6
* Don't use source format 3.0

14. By Andrea Veri

* debian/control:
  - added m-ds depends together with xpi:recommends,
    xpi:provides, xpi:enhances fields.
  - unzip B-D-I removed, it's no more needed.
* debian/rules:
  - adapted to m-ds, the package won't FTBFS anymore.
* debian/install, preinst:
  - removed, not needed with m-ds
* debian/patches/build-system.patch:
  - taken from our debian package to allow the creation
    of a correct clean rule.
* debian/patches/build_path:
  - removed, not needed anymore.

13. By Luca Falavigna

* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining Ubuntu changes:
  + debian/control:
    - Build firefox-webdeveloper and adjust it for Firefox.
  + debian/links:
    - Install files in /usr/lib/firefox-addons

12. By Luca Falavigna

* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining changes:
  + debian/control:
    - Build firefox-webdeveloper and adjust it for Firefox.
    - Add Vcs-Bzr header.
  + iceweasel-webdeveloper.install => firefox-webdeveloper.install.

11. By Luca Falavigna

* Merge from Debian experimental, remaining Ubuntu changes:
  + debian/control:
    - Build firefox-webdeveloper and adjust it for Firefox.
    - Do not conflict/replaces with firefox-developer.
    - Add Vcs-Bzr header.
  + debian/rules:
    - Adjust makebuilddir to build firefox-webdeveloper package.
  + Rename iceweasel-{webdeveloper.links,firefox-webdeveloper.install} to

10. By Luca Falavigna

No longer list firefox-2 as alternate dependency (LP: #272959).

9. By Alexander Sack

* fix LP: #272772: packages that Depend/Recommend/Suggest firefox
  (meta-package) must alternatively Depend/Recommend/Suggest abrowser
  - update debian/control
* add Vcs-Bzr header to control
  - update debian/control

8. By Luca Falavigna

* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining Ubuntu changes:
  + debian/control:
    - Build firefox-webdeveloper and adjust it for Firefox.
    - Do not conflict/replaces with firefox-developer
  + debian/rules:
    - Adjust makebuilddir to build firefox-webdeveloper package.
  + Rename iceweasel-{webdeveloper.links,firefox-webdeveloper.install} to

7. By Jared Greenwald

* Merged upstream version. (v1.1.5) (LP: #204124)
  - Support for Firefox 3.
* Changed to new mozilla-devscripts xpi build
  - updated debian/rules
  - removed debian/firefox-webdeveloper.*
* Changed copyright to include new GPLv3 license.
  - updated debian/copyright
* Consolodated build and install deps.
  - updated debian/control
* Moved built xpi files to top of tree.
  - updated build.xml

[ Alexander Sack ]
* reference GPL-2 in /usr/share/common-licenses instead of shipping full
  license text in copyright
  - update debian/copyright

6. By Siegfried Gevatter

Modify Maintainer value to match the DebianMaintainerField
specification (LP: #176994).

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
Stacked on:
This branch contains Public information 
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