
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

144. By Robert Ancell

* debian/patches/07_disable_web_browser_midi.patch:
  - Disable MIDI support in totem web browser plugin as Karmic's gstreamer
    doesn't support streaming MIDI files over HTTP (LP: #463102)

143. By Robert Ancell

* debian/patches/05_youtube_regex.patch:
  - Fix YouTube plugin (LP: #459423)
* debian/patches/06_playlist.patch:
  - Start from beginning when switching to next video in playlist
    (LP: #466620)

142. By Robert Ancell

* New upstream release: (LP: #463102)
  - Movie Player:
    - Fix possible crash on exit when using Python plugins
    - Fix warning when displaying file tooltip in the playlist
    - Fix help links not showing up in error messages (LP: #452510)
    - Fix "disabling screensaver when audio is playing" checkbox
      never turning off (or on)
    - Fix play order when removing currently playing song
  - Web browser plugin:
    - Fix screensaver not being stopped when playing movies (LP: #358297)
      (LP: #381116)
    - Fix parsing of playlist files when using WebKit
    - Add support for midi files
  - GStreamer backend:
    - Fix possible hang on startup
    - Fix DVB channels file not being detected properly
    - Fix warning when creating a screenshot
    - Use cubic volumes when PulseAudio is used
    - Fix intermittent pixel-aspect-ratio warnings
* debian/patches/03_screensaver_preferences.patch:
* debian/patches/71_totem_python_gil.patch:
* debian/patches/91_git_change_fix_dvb_issue.patch:
  - Applied upstream

141. By Robert Ancell

* debian/patches/03_screensaver_preferences.patch:
  - Fix logic on "Also disable the screensaver when playing audio" preference
    (LP: #448456)

140. By Sebastien Bacher

* debian/patches/91_git_change_fix_dvb_issue.patch:
  - git change to fix dvb parsing issues leading to totem crashing
    (lp: #450274)

139. By Charlie_Smotherman

debain/control changed totum-plugins-extra to depend on python-coherence.
(LP: #446436)

138. By Sebastien Bacher

* New upstream version:
  Movie Player:
  - Fix some problems with the "remember position" feature, disable it
    by default to avoid confusion
  Web browser plugin:
  - Fix problems with cached files disappearing when using WebKit
  GStreamer backend:
  - Fix memory leak when taking screenshot
* debian/totem.install, debian/totem-common.install:
  - install the menu entry in the name binary than the software (lp: #438099)
* debian/control.in:
  - use replaces for the file moves between the binaries

137. By to be removed

debian/patches/71_totem_python_gil.patch: Handle the Python global
interpreter lock correctly when closing totem. (Closes: LP: #421318)

136. By Sebastien Bacher

* New upstream version:
  - Use name from the playlist for the recent item
  - Set the stream volume using PulseAudio
  - Fix a crash in the web browser plugin with WebKit
  - Fix playback of YouTube videos
  - Fix possible hangs after playing a remote file
* debian/patches/91_git_change_fix_xml_escaping_issue.patch:
  - the change is in the new version

135. By Sebastien Bacher

* Tweaked the bbc changes to move iplayer and not bbc
* debian/patches/91_git_change_fix_xml_escaping_issue.patch:
  - git change to fix an escaping issue on youtube videos (lp: #416359)

[ Chris Coulson ]
* debian/control:
  - Drop superfluous dependency on python-gdata from totem-plugins.
  - Build-depend on libgdata-dev to enable the YouTube plugin
    (LP: #384768).
  - totem-plugins-extra replaces totem-plugins (<< 2.27.92-0ubuntu2)
  - totem-plugins-extra depends on python-feedparser and
    python-beautifulsoup to make BBC plugin work.
* debian/totem-plugins{,-extra}:
  - Move BBC plugin in to totem-plugins-extra, as it has dependencies
    in universe. (lp: #384767)

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