
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

101. By Steve Beattie

* IcedTea6 1.9.7 release.
    + S4421494, CVE-2010-4476: infinite loop while parsing double literal.
    + S6878713, CVE-2010-4469: Hotspot backward jsr heap corruption
    + S6907662, CVE-2010-4465: Swing timer-based security manager bypass
    + S6994263, CVE-2010-4472: Untrusted code allowed to replace
      DSIG/C14N implementation
    + S6981922, CVE-2010-4448: DNS cache poisoning by untrusted applets
    + S6983554, CVE-2010-4450: Launcher incorrect processing of
      empty library path entries
    + S6985453, CVE-2010-4471: Java2D font-related system property leak
    + S6927050, CVE-2010-4470: JAXP untrusted component state manipulation
    + RH677332, CVE-2011-0706: Multiple signers privilege escalation
  - Bug fixes
    + RH676659: Pass -export-dynamic flag to linker using -Wl,
      as option in gcc 4.6+ is broken
    + G344659: Fix issue when building on SPARC
    + Fix latent JAXP bug caused by missing import
* dropped patch due to different fix applied upstream:
  - debian/patches/hotspot-sparc-fix.diff
* debian/patches/hotspot-fix_added_define.patch: added to fix
  redefinition added by patch for S6878713
* Makefile.{am,in}: don't use stage1 build for zerovm, bootstrap
  zerovm instead to compensate for

100. By Steve Beattie

* IcedTea6 1.9.5 release.
  - CVE-2011-0025: IcedTea jarfile signature verification bypass.

99. By Matthias Klose

* IcedTea6 1.9.4 release.
  - CVE-2010-4351: IcedTea JNLP SecurityManager bypass.

98. By Marc Deslauriers

Rebuilt for karmic

97. By Matthias Klose

Upload to karmic.

96. By Matthias Klose

* IcedTea6 1.8.1 release.
  - Fix security flaw in NetX that allows arbitrary unsigned apps to set
    any java property.
  - Fix security flaw in NetX that allows unsigned code to access any file
    on the machine (accessible to the user) and write to it.
* openjdk-6-jre: Recommend ttf-dejavu-extra. LP: #569396.
* Don't build the plugin on sparc for hardy and jaunty releases.

95. By Chris Coulson

Upload to Karmic

94. By Matthias Klose

* SECURITY UPDATE: multiple upstream vulnerabilities. Upstream fixes:
  - (CVE-2010-0837): JAR "unpack200" must verify input parameters (6902299).
  - (CVE-2010-0845): No ClassCastException for HashAttributeSet constructors
    if run with -Xcomp (6894807).
  - (CVE-2010-0838): CMM readMabCurveData Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
  - (CVE-2010-0082): Loader-constraint table allows arrays instead of
    only the base-classes (6626217).
  - (CVE-2010-0095): Subclasses of InetAddress may incorrectly interpret
    network addresses (6893954) [ZDI-CAN-603].
  - (CVE-2010-0085): File TOCTOU deserialization vulnerability (6736390).
  - (CVE-2010-0091): Unsigned applet can retrieve the dragged information
    before drop action occurs (6887703).
  - (CVE-2010-0088): Inflater/Deflater clone issues (6745393).
  - (CVE-2010-0084): Policy/PolicyFile leak dynamic ProtectionDomains
  - (CVE-2010-0092): AtomicReferenceArray causes SIGSEGV -> SEGV_MAPERR
    error (6888149).
  - (CVE-2010-0094): Deserialization of RMIConnectionImpl objects should
    enforce stricter checks (6893947) [ZDI-CAN-588].
  - (CVE-2010-0093): System.arraycopy unable to reference elements
    beyond Integer.MAX_VALUE bytes (6892265).
  - (CVE-2010-0840): Applet Trusted Methods Chaining Privilege Escalation
    Vulnerability (6904691).
  - (CVE-2010-0848): AWT Library Invalid Index Vulnerability (6914823).
  - (CVE-2010-0847): ImagingLib arbitrary code execution vulnerability
  - (CVE-2009-3555): TLS: MITM attacks via session renegotiation.
  - 6639665: ThreadGroup finalizer allows creation of false root
  - 6898622: ObjectIdentifer.equals is not capable of detecting incorrectly.
    encoded CommonName OIDs.
  - 6910590: Application can modify command array in ProcessBuilder.
  - 6909597: JPEGImageReader stepX Integer Overflow Vulnerability.
  - 6932480: Crash in CompilerThread/Parser. Unloaded array klass?
  - 6898739: TLS renegotiation issue.
* Build-depend on x11-xkb-utils.

93. By Matthias Klose

* Security updates:
  - (CVE-2009-3728) ICC_Profile file existence detection information leak
  - (CVE-2009-3885) BMP parsing DoS with UNC ICC links (6632445).
  - (CVE-2009-3881) resurrected classloaders can still have children
  - (CVE-2009-3882) Numerous static security flaws in Swing (findbugs)
  - (CVE-2009-3883) Mutable statics in Windows PL&F (findbugs) (6657138).
  - (CVE-2009-3880) UI logging information leakage (6664512).
  - (CVE-2009-3879) GraphicsConfiguration information leak (6822057).
  - (CVE-2009-3884) zoneinfo file existence information leak (6824265).
  - (CVE-2009-2409) deprecate MD2 in SSL cert validation (Kaminsky) (6861062).
  - (CVE-2009-3873) JPEG Image Writer quantization problem (6862968).
  - (CVE-2009-3875) MessageDigest.isEqual introduces timing attack
    vulnerabilities (6863503).
  - (CVE-2009-3876, CVE-2009-3877) OpenJDK ASN.1/DER input stream parser
    denial of service (6864911).
  - (CVE-2009-3869) JRE AWT setDifflCM stack overflow (6872357).
  - (CVE-2009-3874) ImageI/O JPEG heap overflow (6874643.
  - (CVE-2009-3871) JRE AWT setBytePixels heap overflow (6872358).

92. By Matthias Klose

[Matthias Klose]
* On armel and powerpc, build an additional VM using shark in the
  openjdk-6-jre-zero package (java -shark <args>). Requires llvm-2.6.
* Hide the desktop menu entry for WebStart. LP: #222180.
* Don't provide java-virtual-machine anymore.

[Edward Nevill]
* Avoid stack overflows in the arm interpreter.

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