- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/karmic/nginx
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 27. By Daniel Hahler
* Merge from debian unstable (LP: #450874), remaining changes:
- Install html files.
- debian/dirs: Add 'var/www/nginx-default' .
- debian/nginx.install: Add 'html/* var/www/ nginx-default' .
- Added a UFW profile set: (LP: #308695)
+ debian/nginx.ufw. profile: Added.
+ debian/control: nginx: Suggests ufw.
+ debian/dirs: Added 'etc/ufw/applications. d'
+ debian/rules: Added install rule for the nginx UFW profile.
* Closes: LP: #260005, LP: #440888 - 26. By Andres Rodriguez
* Install html files.
- debian/dirs: Add 'var/www/nginx-default' .
- debian/nginx.install: Add 'html/* var/www/ nginx-default' .
* SECURITY UPDATE (CVE-2009-2629): Buffer underflow vulnerability, which
allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted HTTP
request. (LP: #430064)
- src/http/ngx_http_ parse.c patched. - 25. By Andres Rodriguez
* Merge from debian unstable (LP: #416635), remaining changes:
- Readd status action to init script:
+ debian/init.d:
- Add sourcing to '. /lib/lsb/init-functions'
- Add 'status' action.
+ debian/control: Add Depend on lsb >= 3.2-14, which has the
statuc_of_proc( ) function.
- Added a UFW profile set: (LP: #308695)
+ debian/nginx.ufw. profile: Added.
+ debian/control: nginx: Suggests ufw.
+ debian/dirs: Added 'etc/ufw/applications. d'
+ debian/rules: Added install rule for the nginx UFW profile.
- Added support for gzip_static module: (LP: #346010)
+ debian/rules: Added '--with-http_gzip_ static_ module' to configure. - 24. By Andres Rodriguez
* Readd status action to init script: (LP: #251985)
- debian/init.d:
+ Add sourcing to '. /lib/lsb/init-functions'
+ Add 'status' action.
- debian/control: Add Depend on lsb >= 3.2-14, which has the
statuc_of_proc( ) function.
* Added a UFW profile set: (LP: #308695)
- debian/nginx.ufw. profile: Added.
- debian/control: nginx: Suggests ufw.
- debian/dirs: Added 'etc/ufw/applications. d'
- debian/rules: Added install rule for the nginx UFW profile.
* Added support for gzip_static module: (LP: #346010)
- debian/rules: Added '--with-http_gzip_ static_ module' to configure.
* debian/control: Update Maintainer field to match Ubuntu Developers. - 23. By Fabio Tranchitella
* New upstream release, first in Debian for the 0.7 branch. Among other
issues, it also fixes the problem with wildcard dns names used with SSL.
(Closes: #515904)
* debian/watch: updated.
* debian/postinst: fixed a bashism. (Closes: #507913)
* debian/conf/nginx. conf: removed default_type. (Closes: #509390)
* debian/control: updated Standards-Version to 3.8.1, no changes needed.
* debian/NEWS.Debian: documented the issues with
server_names_hash_ bucket_ size. (Closes: #524785) - 21. By Lionel Porcheron
* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
+ debian/control:
- Add Depend on lsb >= 3.2-14, which has the status_of_proc() function.
+ debian/init.d:
- Add sourcing to '. /lib/lsb/init-functions'
- Add the 'status' action
* Drop unneeded IOV_MAX patch and dpatch system (LP: #260022) - 20. By Bhavani Shankar
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes: (LP: #303916)
+ debian/control:
- Add Depend on lsb >= 3.2-14, which has the status_of_proc() function.
+ debian/init.d:
- Add sourcing to '. /lib/lsb/init-functions'
- Add the 'status' action
+ Fixed FTBFS by properly defining IOV_MAX to its Linux equivelent.
+ Added dpatch based patch system - 19. By Luca Falavigna
* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
+ debian/control:
- Add Depend on lsb >= 3.2-14, which has the status_of_proc() function.
+ debian/init.d:
- Add sourcing to '. /lib/lsb/init-functions'
- Add the 'status' action
+ Fixed FTBFS by properly defining IOV_MAX to its Linux equivelent.
+ Added dpatch based patch system - 18. By Emanuele Gentili
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
+ debian/control:
- Add Depend on lsb >= 3.2-14, which has the status_of_proc() function.
+ debian/init.d:
- Add sourcing to '. /lib/lsb/init-functions'
- Add the 'status' action
+ Fixed FTBFS on ubuntu by properly defining IOV_MAX to its Linux
+ Added dpatch based patch system
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/lucid/nginx