
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

15. By Felix Geyer

konq-plugins-l10n: Make the conflict/replace on konqueror-plugins
versioned (<< 4:4.3.0)

14. By Jonathan Thomas

The konq-plugins-l10n package conflicts/replaced konqueror-plugins package
from jaunty (LP: #447275)

13. By Alessandro Ghersi

* Split non-en documentation to konq-plugins-l10n.install (LP: #412136)
* Add missing icons to konq-plugins.install
* Add final newline to debian/copyright
* Add ${misc:Depends} to transitional packages to make lintian happy
* Add Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Bzr fields

12. By Jonathan Thomas

* New upstream release:
  - Bump build-depend versions
* Remove conflicts on the individual transitional packages all together,
  replaces + transitional packages should be fine
* Merge from Debian Unstable, remaining changes:
  - Keep Kubuntu docpath
  - Keep transitional dummy package for konqueror-plugins
  - Keep replaces for old plugin packages
* Bump replace/conflict on konq-plugins to (<< 4:4.3.0) for -l10n

11. By Jonathan Riddell

* New upstream release
* Add versions to conflicts on konq-plugins, else individual packages can't be installed

10. By Jonathan Thomas

* Merge with Debian unstable, LP: #390251 , remaining changes:
  - Don't include .svn directories
  - Add conflicts on past package names
  - Keep transitional dummy package for konqueror-plugins
  - Add konq-plugins.install for the above
  - Keep watch file
* Drop KUBUNTU-DEBIAN-DIFFERENCES, all changes are obvious/can be contained
  to debian/changelog
* Bump compat to 7 for the use of pkg-kde-tools
* Drop cmake build-depend since we get it via kdelibs5-dev, but only in
  versions (>= 4:4.2.85) so bump libkonq5-dev build-depend ver accordingly

9. By Jonathan Riddell

* New upstream release

8. By Scott Kitterman

Adjust doc paths in debian/konqueror-plugins.install to correct i386 FTBFS

7. By Jonathan Riddell

Create new tar with Message.sh files included

6. By Jonathan Thomas

* New upstream release
  - Remove 01-disable-plugins, no longer needed
  - Remove quilt build-dep since no patches are used
  - Add binary packages for adblock akregator, dirfilter, and crashes
  - Bump Konqueror depends versions to (>=4:4.2.0) throughout debian/control
  - Remove microtools plugin packaging, it was disabled upstream
  - Update file install paths to reflect filename changes
* Use our kde4.mk rather than built-in cdbs
* Remove uneeded THIS_SHOLD_GO_TO_UNSTABLE = 1 from debian/rules
* Update documentation install paths in various debian/.install files
* Remove extra blank line at the bottom of

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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