- Get this branch:
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Branch information
Recent revisions
- 12. By Marc Deslauriers
* SECURITY UPDATE: denial of service and possible information disclosure
via crafted header
- debian/patches/ CVE-2010- 2227.patch: fix filter logic in
java/org/apache/ coyote/ http11/ {Http11AprProce ssor,Http11NioP rocessor,
Http11Processor,filters/ BufferedInputFi lter}.java.
- CVE-2010-2227 - 11. By Marc Deslauriers
* SECURITY UPDATE: arbitrary file creation or overwrite from directory
traversal via a .. entry in a WAR file.
- CVE-2009-2693
* SECURITY UPDATE: authentication bypass via autodeployment process
- CVE-2009-2901
* SECURITY UPDATE: work-directory file deletion via directory traversal
sequences in a WAR filename.
- CVE-2009-2902
- debian/patches/ security_ CVE-2009- 2693_2901_ 2902.patch: validate file
names and paths in java/org/apache/ catalina/ loader/
{LocalStrings.properties, WebappClassLoad er.java} ,
java/org/apache/ catalina/ startup/ {ContextConfig. java,ExpandWar. java,
HostConfig.java,LocalStrin gs.properties} - 10. By Marc Deslauriers
* SECURITY UPDATE: security bypass via specially crafted request
- debian/patches/ security- CVE-2008- 5515.patch: use only a single
normalise implementation in:
java/org/apache/ catalina/ connector/ Request. java,
java/org/apache/ catalina/ core/{Applicati onContext, ApplicationHttp Request} .java,
java/org/apache/ catalina/ servlets/ WebdavServlet. java,
java/org/apache/ catalina/ ssi/{SSIServlet ExternalResolve r,SSIServletReq uestUtil} .java,
java/org/apache/ catalina/ util/RequestUti l.java,
java/org/apache/ naming/ resources/ FileDirContext. java
- CVE-2008-5515
* SECURITY UPDATE: denial of service via request with invalid headers
- debian/patches/ security- CVE-2009- 0033.patch: make sure we return
400 to the browser in
java/org/apache/ jk/common/ {ChannelNioSock et,ChannelSocke t,HandlerReques t}.java
- CVE-2009-0033
* SECURITY UPDATE: valid username enumeration via improper error checking
- debian/patches/ security- CVE-2009- 0580.patch: make sure we have valid
credentials in java/org/apache/ catalina/ realm/{ DataSourceRealm ,JDBCRealm, MemoryRealm} .java
- CVE-2009-0580
* SECURITY UPDATE: cross-site scripting in calendar example application
(LP: #341278)
- debian/patches/ security- CVE-2009- 0781.patch: properly quote value in
webapps/examples/ jsp/cal/ cal2.jsp
- CVE-2009-0781
* SECURITY UPDATE: information disclosure via XML parser replacement
- debian/patches/ security- CVE-2009- 0783.patch: create digesters and
parsers earlier and don't use xml-parser from web-app in
java/org/apache/ catalina/ core/StandardCo ntext.java,
java/org/apache/ catalina/ startup/ {LocalStrings. properties, TldConfig. java}
- CVE-2009-0783 - 9. By Thierry Carrez
* Added debian/
patches/ tcnative- ipv6-fix- 43327.patch to fix incompatibility
between libtcnative-1 and ipv6 (fixes LP: #287645)
* No longer create confusing /var/lib/tomcat6/ lib or lib subdirectory in
private instances, since they are ignored (LP: #324212) - 8. By Mathias Gug
[ Thierry Carrez ]
* Removed tomcat6-[admin, docs,examples] .post[inst, rm] and let Tomcat webapp
autodeployment features handle application load/unload (LP: #302914)
* tomcat6-instance- create, tomcat6- instance- create. 1, control:
Allow to change the HTTP port, control port and shutdown word on the
tomcat6-instance- create command line (LP: #300691). [ Mathias Gug]
* debian/tomcat6- instance- create: move directoryname from an option to
an argument.
* debian/tomcat6- instance- create. 1: some updates to the man page.
* debian/control: update maintainer field to Ubuntu Core Developers now that
tomcat6 is in main. - 7. By Thierry Carrez
* tomcat6.init, tomcat6.postinst, tomcat6.dirs, tomcat6.default,
README.debian: Use /tmp/tomcat6-temp instead of /var/lib/tomcat6/ temp as
the JVM temporary directory and clean it at each restart (LP: #287452)
* policy/04webapps. policy: add rules to allow usage of java.io.tmpdir
* tomcat6.init, rules: Do not use TearDown, as this results in
LifecycleListener callbacks in webapps being bypassed (LP: #299436)
* rules: Compile at Java 1.5 level to allow usage of Java 5 JREs
(LP: #286427)
* control, rules, libservlet2.5-java- doc.install,
libservlet2.5-java- doc.links: New libservlet2. 5-java- doc package ships
missing Servlet/JSP API documentation (LP: #279645)
* patches/use-commons- dbcp.patch: Change default DBCP factory class
to org.apache.commons. dbcp.BasicDataS ourceFactory (LP: #283852)
* tomcat6.dirs, tomcat6.postinst, default_root/index. html: Create
Catalina/localhost in /etc/tomcat6 and make it writeable by the tomcat6
group, so that autodeploy and admin webapps work as expected (LP: #294277)
* patches/disable- apr-loading. patch: Disable APR library loading until we
properly provide it.
* patches/disable- ajp-connector: Do not load AJP13 connector by default
(LP: #300697)
* rules: minor fixes to prevent build being called twice. - 6. By Thierry Carrez
* debian/
tomcat6. postinst:
- Make /var/lib/tomcat6/ temp writeable by the tomcat6 user (LP: #287126)
- Make /var/lib/tomcat6/ webapps writeable by tomcat6 group (LP: #287447)
* debian/tomcat6. init: make status return nonzero if tomcat6 is not running
(fixes LP: #288218) - 5. By Thierry Carrez
debian/rules: call dh_installinit with --error-handler so that install
doesn't fail if Tomcat cannot be started during configure (LP: #274365) - 4. By Thierry Carrez
* New upstream version (LP: #260016)
- Fixes CVE-2008-2938: Directory traversal vulnerability (LP: #256802)
- Fixes CVE-2008-2370: Information disclosure vulnerability (LP: #256922)
- Fixes CVE-2008-1232: XSS through sendError vulnerability (LP: #256926)
* Dropped CVE-2008-1947.patch (fix is shipped in this upstream release)
* control: Improve short descriptions for the binary packages
* copyright: Added link to /usr/share/common- licenses/ Apache- 2.0
* control: To pull the right JRE, libtomcat6-java now depends on
default-jre-headless | java6-runtime- headless - 3. By Thierry Carrez
* Adding full Tomcat 6 server stack support (LP: #256052)
- tomcat6 handles the system instance (/var/lib/tomcat6)
- tomcat6-user allows users to create their own private instances
- tomcat6-common installs common files in /usr/share/tomcat6
- libtomcat6-java installs Tomcat 6 java libs in /usr/share/java
- tomcat6-docs installs the documentation webapp
- tomcat6-examples installs the examples webapp
- tomcat6-admin installs the manager and host-manager webapps
* Other key differences with the tomcat5.5 packages:
- default-jdk build support
- OpenJDK-6 JRE runtime support
- tomcat6 installs a minimal ROOT webapp
- new webapp locations follow Debian webapp policy
- webapps restart tomcat6 in postrm rather than in prerm
- added a doc-base entry
- use standard upstream server.xml
- initscript: try to check if Tomcat is really running before returning OK
- removed transitional configuration migration code
- autogenerate policy in /var/cache/tomcat6 rather than /etc/tomcat6
- logging.properties is customized to remove -webapps-related lines
- initscript: implement TearDown spec
* CVE-2008-1947 fix (cross-site-scripting issue in host-manager webapp)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/lucid/tomcat6