- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/jaunty-security/firefox-3.0
Branch merges
Related bugs
Related blueprints
Branch information
- Owner:
- Ubuntu branches
- Status:
- Development
Recent revisions
- 51. By Chris Coulson
* New upstream release v3.6.11 (FIREFOX_
3_6_11_ BUILD3)
- see USN-997-1
- Fixes LP: #589236 and LP: #239952* Bump minimum system NSS to 3.12.8 after landing of (bmo: 600104) aka
Bump minimum required version for system NSS to 3.12.8
- update debian/rules
* Bump minimum system NSPR to 4.8.6 after landing of (bmo: 567620) aka
Bump minimum required version for system NSPR to 4.8.6
- update debian/rules
* Bump minimum version of sqlite to 3.7.1 after landing of (bmo: 583611) aka
Upgrade to SQLite 3.7.1
- update debian/rules - 50. By Chris Coulson
* New upstream release v3.6.10 (FIREFOX_
3_6_10_ BUILD1) * Fix LP: #637434 - components.list is not installed
- update debian/firefox. install - 49. By Chris Coulson
* New upstream release v3.6.9 (FIREFOX_
- see USN-975-1* Fix LP: #609941 - Provide a transition path from residual Firefox 2
packages left over from Hardy
- update debian/control
- add debian/firefox- 2.preinst - 47. By Chris Coulson
* New major upstream release v3.6.7 (FIREFOX_
- see USN-930-1* Switch to using unversioned binaries. This means that firefox and
firefox-gnome-support are no longer meta-packages depending on the latest
versioned binary packages, but they ship the binary components. Convert
firefox-3.0* packages to meta packages which pull in the unversioned binaries
to ensure a smooth upgrade path
- update debian/control
- rename debian/firefox- 3.0-dev. install => debian/ firefox- dev.install
- rename debian/firefox- 3.0-dev. links => debian/ firefox- dev.links
- rename debian/firefox- 3.0-final. desktop => debian/ firefox- final.desktop
- rename debian/firefox- 3.0-gnome- support. install => debian/ firefox- gnome-support. install
- rename debian/firefox- 3.0-gnome- support. postinst. in => debian/ firefox- gnome-support. postinst
- rename debian/firefox- 3.0-minefield. desktop => debian/ firefox- minefield. desktop
- rename debian/firefox- 3.0-granparadis o.desktop => debian/ firefox- namoroka. desktop
- rename debian/firefox- 3.0-restart- required. update- notifier => debian/ firefox- restart- required. update- notifier
- rename debian/firefox- 3.0.dirs => debian/firefox.dirs
- rename debian/firefox- 3.0.install => debian/ firefox. install
- rename debian/firefox- 3.0.links => debian/ firefox. links
- rename debian/firefox- 3.0.menu => debian/firefox.menu
- rename debian/firefox- 3.0.postinst. in => debian/ firefox. postinst. in
- rename debian/firefox- 3.0.prerm => debian/ firefox. prerm.in
- rename debian/abrowser- 3.0.desktop => debian/ abrowser. desktop
- update Icon name in debian/firefox- final.desktop
- update Icon, Exec and StartupWMClass fields in debian/firefox- minefield. desktop
- update Name and Description in debian/firefox- restart- required. update- notifier
- update debian/firefox. links to not create versioned link in /usr/bin
- update fields in debian/firefox.menu
- update debian/firefox. postinst. in
- update debian/firefox. prerm.in
- update debian/abrowser. desktop
* Implement MIN_SYS_DEPS approach that does not use system xulrunner
and only a minimal set of system dependencies.
+ drop patches not required anymore:
- delete debian/patches/ dont_depend_ on_nspr_ sources. patch
- update debian/patches/ series
+ move .install lines that depend on whether MIN_SYS_DEPS is used or not
to debian/rules in ifneq (,$(MIN_SYS_DEPS)) blocks
- update debian/rules
- update debian/firefox. install
+ ship gnome support .so's inside of the main package, but keep dependencies in
the (now empty) gnome-support package; to achieve this, we first install
the gnome support files in the -gnome-support package and move them to the
main package _after_ shlib depends where generated
- update debian/rules
+ do not build-depend on xulrunner dev package anymore; local xulrunner builds
with MIN_SYS_DEPS=0 should still work though
- update debian/control
+ fix firefox.sh to handle all-static build
- update debian/firefox. sh.in
* Fix LP: #398121 - firefox-3.5-gnome- support failed to install/upgrade; we
make the postinst script more failsafe
- update debian/firefox- gnome-support. postinst
* Add libstartup-notification0- dev to build-deps as it now seems to be
mandatory on lpia
- update debian/control
* Add libasound2-dev to Build-Depends for the new HTML5 <video> tag
- update debian/control
* Add libiw-dev to build-depends to fix build failure
- update debian/control
* Add libnotify-dev to build-depends
- update debian/control
* adjust packaging to support localized searchplugins
+ ship default searchplugins in /usr/lib/firefox- addons/ searchplugins/ en-US/
and link that directory to $(DEBIAN_FF3_DIR) /distribution/ searchplugins instead
of the main firefox APP_DIR
- update debian/rules
+ set default searchplugin locale pref to en-US - which is used as a
fallback if no matching searchplugins/LOCALE directory exists for the
current locale directory
- update debian/firefox.js
+ do not install upstream searchplugins through debhelper file and
install "debsearch" to the new distribution/.../en- US location
- update debian/firefox. install
+ ship "common" searchplugins link that points to the old default
searchplugins location '/usr/lib/firefox- addons/ searchplugins/
- update debian/rules
- update debian/firefox. links
+ rework localized search engine patch to use ChromeRegistry locale
information rather than a char pref; also change plugin dir order to allow
locale specific searchplugins to overlay the ones shipped in
- add debian/patches/ bz515232_ att399338_ distro_ locale_ searchplugins. patch
- update debian/patches/ series
* Add patch for armv7 support
- add debian/patches/ bz532198_ lp488354_ ns_invokebyinde x_not_thumb2_ safe.patch
- update debian/patches/ series
* Fix LP: #428306 - default search engines are removed and readded (keywords
wiped) with upgrade
- add debian/patches/ bz534663_ attXXX_ normalize_ distribution_ searchplugins. patch
- update debian/patches/ series
* Fix LP: #423610 - daily build failures after landing of mozilla-nss.pc droppage
(bug 422829); we drop our previously used nspr pkgconfig patch and fix
configure.in to not require in-source nspr if libxul-sdk is used
- delete debian/patches/ nspr_flags_ by_pkg_ config_ hack.patch
- add debian/patches/ bzXXX_libxul_ sdk_nspr. patch
- update debian/patches/ series
* Add ability to set a preferred plugin for a given mime-type
- add debian/patches/ bzXXX_plugin_ for_mimetype_ pref.patch
- update debian/patches/ series
* Enable NetworkManager integration for proper offline detection
- update debian/firefox.js
* Update profile migration tool for new version
- update debian/migrator/ main.c
* Move mozclient project files from mozilla-descripts to this package
- add debian/mozclient/ firefox- 3.0.conf
- add debian/mozclient/ firefox- 3.0.mk
- add debian/moz-rev.sh
- update debian/rules
* Fix LP: #520963 - sysprefs not honoured since firefox is built without
system xulrunner; resurrect the patch we ship in xulrunner
- add debian/patches/ add_syspref_ dir.patch
- update debian/patches/ series
* Drop patches applied upstream
- remove debian/patches/ bz421977_ att334578. patch
- remove debian/patches/ bz436133_ att322801. patch
- remove debian/patches/ installer_ shouldnt_ copy_xulrunner. patch
- remove debian/patches/ installer_ use_stdout_ for_missing_ files.patch
* Update / rebase patches
- rename debian/patches/ bzXXX_reload_ new_plugins. patch =>
debian/patches/ bz460917_ att350845_ reload_ new_plugins. patch
- update debian/patches/ awesome_ browser_ branding_ install. patch
- update debian/patches/ browser_ branding. patch
- update debian/patches/ lp185622_ system_ path_default_ browser. patch
- update debian/patches/ ubuntu_ no_app_ updates. patch
* Add a cairo LCD filter to use Freetype LCD colour filtering features,
based on the same patch applied to our system cairo package. Thanks to
Marc Deslauriers for helping to make this work
- add debian/patches/ lp512615_ cairo_lcd_ filter. patch
- update debian/patches/ series
* Fix LP: #518422 - Firefox does not start with certain addons installed;
don't normalize paths for xpti.dat
- add debian/patches/ lp518422. patch
- update debian/series
* Fix LP: #548866 - forgets middlemouse.contentLoadURL on upgrade; add patch
from xulrunner-1.9
- update debian/patches/ series
- add debian/patches/ lp548866_ bz467766_ att351173- dont-reset- user-prefs- on-upgrade. patch
* Add support for using lockPref in preferences files
- add debian/patches/ bz467738_ att351145_ lockPref_ everywhere. patch
- update debian/patches/ series
* Drop useless patch:
- drop debian/patches/ ftbfs-with- branding- dir
- update debian/patches/ series
* Build with --enable-ipc on amd64, i386 and armel. These are the only
architectures where OOPP is supported. Build with --disable-ipc on all
other architectures
- update debian/rules
* Install the plugin-container binary for OOPP support when building
with --enable-ipc
- update debian/rules
* Fix LP: #443147 - Firefox on ARM inappropriately adds scroll bars to many
frames and images; this is a workaround that forces -O2 for the whole
mozilla tree build on armel; the scroll bar only manifests on lucid toolchain
when using the upstream optimization flag mix
- update debian/rules
* Fix FTBFS on sparc; disable jit on sparc until bmo 502369 is fixable
- update debian/rules
* Update rosetta template name to firefox-3.6
- update debian/translation- support/ install. rdf.in
* add CMDNAME_USER feature to overwrite cmdname for abrowser in run-mozilla.sh
- add debian/patches/ abrowser_ run_mozilla. patch
- update debian/patches/ series
* Provide extra translations in desktop files
- update debian/firefox- final.desktop
* Don't provide firefox-*-dom-inspector and firefox-*-venkman transitional
packages. We use an internal copy of xulrunner now, which no longer provides
these extensions
- update debian/control
* Create checksums for NSS libraries to make FIPS mode work
- update debian/rules
* Handle the system preferences moving location and beween packages during
the upgrade - migrate the old settings to the new location if they have
customisations already (and keep a backup of the new settings). Delete the
old settings if they haven't been customised by the system administrator
- add debian/firefox- 3.0.preinst
- update debian/firefox. postinst. in
* If the previous customised system configuration from 3.0 is retained
during the upgrade, ensure that new preferenes defined in the stock 3.6
configuration are added to the existing migrated configuration
- update debian/firefox. postinst. in
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/karmic/firefox-3.0