- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/jaunty-security/clamav
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 67. By Jamie Strandboge
* SECURITY UPDATE: fix integer overflow in BZ2_decompress()
- libclamav/nsis/bzlib. c: return error if N is larger than 2*1024^2 which
keeps us from overflowing but leaves enough room for the 900k maximum
value of the RUNA/RUNB encoding
- patch based on upstream bzip2
- CVE-2010-0405 - 66. By Jamie Strandboge
* SECURITY UPDATE: fix crash via heap overflow when processing malformed
PDF file
- libclamav/pdf.c: make sure enough space is allocated for tmpbuf in
- https://wwws.clamav. net/bugzilla/ show_bug. cgi?id= 2016
- clamav git f0eb394501ec21b9fe67f36cbf5db7 88711d4236 - 65. By Jamie Strandboge
* SECURITY UPDATE: (LP: #553266)
* References clamav bugs #1771 and #1826
* libclamav/mspack.c: fix Quantum decompressor (bb#1771)
- clamav git 224fee54dd6cd8933d7007331ec2bf ca0398d4b4
* libclamav/mspack.c: improve unpacking of malformed cabinets (bb#1826)
- clamav git 31b77b3fb589ab07e7b4d84f8b3825 178864ee51
* based on work by Scott Kitterman - 64. By Imre Gergely
* SECURITY UPDATE: clamav-milter.init changes current directory owner
to user 'clamav' when run, potentially breaking ssh chroots, user's
home directories (LP: #365823)
- debian/clamav- milter. init: fixed pidfile chown on startup from Debian
clamav git repo
- debian/clamav- milter. postinst. in: added cleanup code to search for
and restore clamav-owned directories to root and remove rogue /none
file (LP: #363796, #363804) - 63. By Scott Kitterman
[ Scott Kitterman ]
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes (LP: #361762):
- Drop build-dep on electric-fence (in Universe) and run make test on all
archs since arch specific test failures with electric-fence are not a
- Add apparmor profiles for clamd and freshclam along with maintainer
script changes
* Update suggested version of apparmor to 2.3+1289 due to use of deny in the
freshclam apparmor profile
* Cherrypick addition clamav-milter init fixes from pkg-clamav git repo[ Imre Gergely ]
* fix freshclam apparmor profile for clamtk (LP: #359301) - 62. By Scott Kitterman
[ Scott Kitterman ]
* New upstream bugfix release
- libclamav/others.h: harden CLI_ISCONTAINED macro (bb#1552)
- libclamav/phishcheck. c: fix possible crash in cli_url_canon() (bb#1553)
- Signficant clamav-milter bug fixes
- Other fixes throughout
* Drop ArchiveLimitMemoryUsage option from clamav- base.postinst. in (option
removed upstream)
* Add CommandReadTimeout, SendBufTimeout, and MaxQueue to
clamav-base.postinst. in
* Add SkipAuthenticated to clamav-milter. postinst. in
* Drop unrar and lha from clamav Suggests since external unpackers are not
supported since 0.94[ Jamie Strandboge ]
* fix freshclam apparmor profile for klamav (LP: #359301) - 61. By Scott Kitterman
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes (LP: #354015):
- Drop build-dep on electric-fence (in Universe) and run make test on all
archs since arch specific test failures with electric-fence are not a
- Add apparmor profiles for clamd and freshclam along with maintainer
script changes
* Update apparmor profile to allow access to usr-tmp for klamav
(LP: #310737)
* Update apparmor profile to not log samba related denails (LP: #346397)
* Move apparmor from recommends to suggests - we don't want to cause it to
be installed if it has been removed - 60. By Scott Kitterman
Update apparmor profile in debian/
usr.bin/ freshclam to allow freshclam to
update virus signatures in user home directories (LP: #312695) - 58. By Scott Kitterman
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
- debian/control: Recommends apparmor >= 2.1+1075-0ubuntu6 for
clamav-daemon and clamav-freshclam
- add debian/usr.bin. freshclam and debian/ usr.sbin. clamd
- debian/clamav- (daemon| freshclam) .dirs: add etc/apparmor. d/force- complain
- debian/clamav- (daemon| freshclam) .install: install profiles
- debian/clamav- (daemon| freshclam) .preinst: create symlink for
force-complain/ on pre-feisty upgrades, upgrades where apparmor-profiles
profile is unchanged (ie non-enforcing) and upgrades where the profile
doesn't exist.
- debian/clamav- (daemon| freshclam) .postrm: remove symlink in
force-complain/ on purge.
- debian/clamav- (daemon| freshclam) .postinst. in: reload apparmor
- update README.Debian with note on Apparmor
* Enable upstream test suite in debian/rules
- Not adding valgrind yet due to test failures
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/natty/clamav