
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

13. By Alexander Sack

* new upstream release RTM (NSS_3_12_3_1_RTM) (LP: #407549)
  - see USN-810-1
* requires nspr >= 4.7.4
  - update debian/control
* drop (ubuntu-)useless kbsd patch
  - delete debian/patches/38_kbsd.patch
* drop obsolete patches fixed upstream
  - delete debian/patches/80_security_tools.patch
  - delete debian/patches/bz471715_attachment_357235-backport.patch
* adjust patches to new upstream codebase
  - update debian/patches/38_mips64_build.patch
  - update debian/patches/81_sonames.patch
* LP: #388350 - nss 3.12.3-0ubuntu2 ftbfs in karmic - shlibsign crashes; we add
  debian/libnss3-1d/usr/lib/nss to LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the shlibsign invocation
  used to sign libs in debian/rules
  - update debian/rules
* update .symbols files for new upstream api
  - update debian/libnss3-1d.symbols
* bump shlibs version to >= 3.12.3
  - update debian/rules

12. By Alexander Sack

* RELEASE to ubuntu/hardy-proposed
* follow up for LP: #245122 - drop Conflicts: on libnss3 from libnss3-1d
  package in order to allow non-dist upgrade for hardy-proposed
  - update debian/control

11. By Alexander Sack

( from in ubuntu/intrepid)
* fix LP: #245122 - add Replaces/Conflicts on libnss3 packages
  - update debian/control
* fix LP: #215062 - update Replaces/Conflicts for libnss3-1d on gutsy
  version of libnss3-0d (<< 3.12.0~)

10. By Alexander Sack

( from to ubuntu/intrepid )
* new upstream release fixes certID issue; downloaded from
  (LP: #242379)

( from to ubuntu/intrepid)
* move non-versioned .so-links from libnss3-dev package to unbreak
  binary compatibility to native extensions built against upstream
  xulrunner; in turn we add versioned Conflicts: Replaces: on libnss3-dev
  for the libnss3-1d package to provide a smooth upgrade path. (LP: #244439)
  - add debian/libnss3-1d.links
  - update debian/libnss3-dev.links
  - update debian/control

( from in ubuntu/intrepid)
* fix LP: #245122 - add Replaces/Conflicts on libnss3 ( << 3) packages
  - update debian/control

9. By Alexander Sack

( from to ubuntu/intrepid )
* new upstream release fixes certID issue; downloaded from
  (LP: #242379)

( from to ubuntu/intrepid)
* move non-versioned .so-links from libnss3-dev package to unbreak
  binary compatibility to native extensions built against upstream
  xulrunner; in turn we add versioned Conflicts: Replaces: on libnss3-dev
  for the libnss3-1d package to provide a smooth upgrade path. (LP: #244439)
  - add debian/libnss3-1d.links
  - update debian/libnss3-dev.links
  - update debian/control

8. By Alexander Sack

[ Fabien Tassin ]
new upstream version, picked from FIREFOX_3_0rc1_RELEASE cvs tag
(LP: #233922)

7. By Fabien Tassin

* new upstream version, picked from NSS_3_12_BETA3 cvs tag
* update symbols file:
  - add CERT_NewTempCertificate@NSS_3.12
  - add NSS_InitWithMerge@NSS_3.12
  - add PK11_CreateMergeLog@NSS_3.12
  - add PK11_DestroyMergeLog@NSS_3.12
  - add PK11_IsRemovable@NSS_3.12
  - add PK11_MergeTokens@NSS_3.12
  - add CERT_GetUsePKIXForValidation@NSS_3.12
  - add CERT_SetUsePKIXForValidation@NSS_3.12
  - add CERT_GetClassicOCSPDisabledPolicy@NSS_3.12
  - add CERT_GetClassicOCSPEnabledHardFailurePolicy@NSS_3.12
  - CERT_GetClassicOCSPEnabledSoftFailurePolicy@NSS_3.12
    - update debian/libnss3-1d.symbols
* bump shlibs requirement to >= 3.12.0~beta3
  - update debian/rules

6. By Alexander Sack

* new upstream version, picked from FIREFOX_3_0b4_RELEASE cvs tag.
* update symbols file
  - update debian/libnss3-1d.symbols
* bump shlibs requirement to >= 3.12.0~1.9b4

5. By Fabien Tassin

* New upstream snapshot, picked from FIREFOX_3_0b3_RELEASE cvs tag.
* install libnssutil3.so.1d, update symbols file accordingly,
  add nssutil to pkgconfig file and config script
  - update debian/libnss3-dev.links
  - update debian/nss.pc.in
  - update debian/nss-config.in
* fix UPSTREAM_VERSION to drop ~cvs as it is used by nss-config
  which is causing troubles in xulrunner's configure
  - update debian/rules
* add support for mozilla-devscripts
  - update debian/rules
* update symbols file for new symbols:
  + CERT_SetOCSPTimeout@NSS_3.12
  + NSS_3.11.9@NSS_3.11.9
  + PK11_CreateGenericObject@NSS_3.12
  + PK11_UnconfigurePKCS11@NSS_3.11.9
  + PK11_WriteRawAttribute@NSS_3.12
  + CERT_GetValidDNSPatternsFromCert@NSS_3.12
  + PK11_CreatePBEV2AlgorithmID@NSS_3.12
  + PK11_GetPBECryptoMechanism@NSS_3.12
  + SEC_PKCS5IsAlgorithmPBEAlgTag@NSS_3.12
  ~ SEC_StringToOID@NSS_3.12 (moved from libnss3 to libnssutils3)
    - update debian/libnss3-1d.symbols
    - update debian/rules
* Bump shlibs requirement to >= 3.12.0~1.9b3
  - update debian/rules
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3 and add Homepage field where needed
  - update debian/control

4. By Alexander Sack

* New upstream snapshot, picked from FIREFOX_3_0b2_RELEASE cvs tag.
* ubuntify maintainer field
  - update debian/control

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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