
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches
Review team:
Ubuntu Development Team

Recent revisions

13. By Neal Poole

    - Merge r3528 from upstream repository to mitigate
      potential null byte vulnerability (LP: #803720)

12. By Andres Rodriguez

* SECURITY UPDATE: Buffer underflow vulnerability, which allows remote
  attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted HTTP request. (LP: #430064)
  - src/http/ngx_http_parse.c patched.
  - CVE-2009-2629.

11. By Jose Miguel Parrella

* New stable upstream release (Closes: #451173)
* nginx now provides httpd, httpd-cgi virtual packages
  (Closes: #439468, #452025)
* sites-enabled/default link is now provided only on fresh
  installations (Closes: #432961)
* Updated code for online upgrading of nginx (Closes: #445246)
* Reviewed maintainer scripts for correct behaviour on updates
  (Closes: #452787, #435965)
* Removed debian/nginx.links and debian/preinst.
* Changing Maintainer address to <email address hidden>.
* Welcoming Fabio Tranchitella <email address hidden> as an nginx
  uploader for Debian. Thanks for your patches.

10. By Chuck Short

Acutally add mime.types to /etc/nginx/mime.types (Cloes: LP# 133752)

9. By Andrea Veri

* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
  - Updated mime.types path in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
  - Modify Maintainer value to match Debian-Maintainer-Field Spec

8. By Arthur Loiret

Update mime.types path in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf (LP: #122643)

7. By Miguel Ruiz

* New upstream release.
* debian/control:
  - Added Added Maintainer and XSBC-Maintainer fields.

6. By Jose Parrella <email address hidden>

* New upstream version (Closes: #420063)
* Adding DAV support (Closes: #415678)
* Adding support for sites-[available|enabled]/ (Closes: #419912)

5. By Jose Parrella <email address hidden>

* Adding FLV support. (Closes: #411105)
* Adding SSL support.

4. By Jose Parrella <email address hidden>

* Fixed default installation paths for www/ files, avoiding the
  default installation of index.html in /var/www (Closes: #400103)
* Alexey Besciokov <email address hidden> provided new postinst and prerm
  scripts with the ability to reload the master binary (Closes: #398009)

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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