- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/hardy-security/drupal5
Branch merges
Branch information
- Owner:
- Ubuntu branches
- Status:
- Mature
Recent revisions
- 15. By Artur Rona
* SECURITY UPDATE: Multiple vulnerabilities and weaknesses were
discovered in Drupal (LP: #539056).
- CVE-2010-3092
- CVE-2010-3093
- SA-CORE-2010-001
- SA-CORE-2010-002 - 14. By Artur Rona
* SECURITY UPDATE: Multiple vulnerabilities and weaknesses
were discovered in Drupal. (LP: #431080):
- 13_SA-2008-047
- 14_SA-2008-060
- 15_SA-2008-067
- 16_SA-2008-073
- 17_SA-CORE-2009-001
- 18_SA-CORE-2009-005
- 19_SA-CORE-2009-006
- 20_SA-CORE-2009-007
- 21_SA-CORE-2009-008
- 22_SA-CORE-2009-009* Fixes:
- CVE-2008-6171
- CVE-2008-6532
- CVE-2008-6533
- CVE-2009-1576
- CVE-2009-2372
- CVE-2009-2373
- CVE-2009-2374
- CVE-2009-4370 - 13. By Emanuele Gentili
+ debian/patches/ 11_SA-2008- 044.dpatch:
- Fixes XSS, Section Fixation and SQL Injection vulnerabilities
* References
+ SA-2008-044
- http://drupal. org/node/ 280571
- http://drupal. org/files/ sa-2008- 044/SA- 2008-044- 5.7.patch - 12. By Emanuele Gentili
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes (LP: #191621):
+ debian/patches/ 02_htaccess:
- Add RewriteBase /drupal5
+ debian/control:
- Replace exim4 with postfix in Depends.
- Modify Maintainer value to match DebianMaintainerField spec. - 11. By Emanuele Gentili
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes (LP: #182291):
+ debian/patches/ 02_htaccess:
- Add RewriteBase /drupal5
+ debian/control:
- Replace exim4 with postfix in Depends.
- Modify Maintainer value to match DebianMaintainerField spec. - 10. By Emanuele Gentili
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes (LP: #182291):
+ debian/patches/ 02_htaccess:
- Add RewriteBase /drupal5
+ debian/control:
- Replace exim4 with postfix in Depends.
- Modify Maintainer value to match DebianMaintainerField spec. - 9. By Stephan Rügamer
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
+ debian/patches/ 02_htaccess:
- Add RewriteBase /drupal5
+ debian/control:
- Replace exim4 with postfix in Depends.
- Modify Maintainer value to match DebianMaintainerField spec. - 8. By Stephan Rügamer
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
+ debian/patches/ 02_htaccess:
- Add RewriteBase /drupal5
+ debian/control:
- Replace exim4 with postfix in Depends.
- Modify Maintainer value to match DebianMaintainerField spec. - 6. By Luca Falavigna
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
- Replace exim4 with postfix in Depends.
- Replace postgresql-server with postgresql-8.2 in Recommends.
- Modify Maintainer value to match DebianMaintainerField spec.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/karmic/drupal5