- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/hardy-backports/boinc
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 19. By Frank S. Thomas
[ Frank S. Thomas ]
* New upstream release.
* debian/rules: Do not declare the patch and unpatch targets as phony,
because the included /usr/share/quilt/quilt. make does this already. - 18. By Daniel Hahler
Install /usr/lib/
boinc-client/ udev-usr_ share with correct perms
(executable), so that it gets called by udevd. - 17. By Daniel Hahler
* Revert changes from ubuntu1 and instead use the uevent udev
interface to assign the lowest possible cpu_share to the
boinc user. This is still considered to be a workaround.
- Add debian/boinc-client. udev
- debian/rules: call dh_installudev
- Add debian/extra/udev- usr_share, which gets run by udevd
- Drop debian/patches/ ubuntu_ temp_cfs_ fix.patch
* debian/boinc-client. init: Display cpu_share info for "status"
action - 16. By Daniel Hahler
* debian/
patches/ ubuntu_ temp_cfs_ fix.patch:
Temporary workaround for the new CFS Linux scheduler,
by adjusting the "boinc" user's cpu_share to the minimum (2)
in the init script (LP: #177713)
* Modify Maintainer value to match the DebianMaintainerField
specification. - 15. By Frank S. Thomas
[ Frank S. Thomas ]
* debian/rules: Wrote get-orig-source target which fetches the latest tagged
BOINC version.
* debian/patches/:
- Added 201_missing_headers_ for_gcc4. 3.patch which adds missing C++
headers to several source files. This is required to fix a FTBFS with
recent GCC 4.3 snapshots. Thanks to Martin Michlmayr <email address hidden>
for the bug report. (closes: #456041)
- Added 101_fix_memory_ detection_ on_kfreebsd. patch from upstream r14415
based on a patch by Andrew Deason <email address hidden> which fixes memory
detection on Debian GNU/kFreeBSD. (closes: #456586) - 14. By Frank S. Thomas
[ Frank S. Thomas ]
* New upstream release.
* debian/boinc-client. default: Removed --return_ results_ immediately from the
example BOINC_OPTS variable, because this command line option is not
implemented and won't be available in BOINC >= 6.1, see upstream r14280.
* debian/control:
- Bumped Standards-Version from 3.7.2 to 3.7.3, no changes required.
- Changed my maintainer address to <email address hidden>.[ Thibaut VARENE ]
* debian/boinc-client. {init,default} : Added option to enable advanced
scheduling of the client and its sub-processes by default.
(closes: #449015) - 13. By Frank S. Thomas <email address hidden>
[ Frank S. Thomas ]
* New upstream release. (closes: #447929)
- Handles change in /proc/cpuinfo on powerpc introduced in Linux 2.6.23.
Thanks to Thibaut VARENE <email address hidden> for the patch.
(closes: #437459)
- Allows to set arbitrary many alternate platforms in the client's config
file cc_config.xml with the <alt_platform> element which is a direct
child of the <options> element. (closes: #437326)
- BOINC Manager: At account creation check if wxGetUserName() returned an
empty string and if it did use the output of wxGetUserId() instead.
Thanks to Morita Sho <email address hidden> for the
excellent bug report. (closes: #447320)
* debian/control:
- Moved Homepage pseudo field in the long descriptions to the source stanza
because this is now a propper debian/control field supported by dpkg.
- Removed XS- prefix from Vcs fields since they are now officially
supported by dpkg.
* debian/boinc-client. init: Print the scheduling status of boinc_client's
children only if there are any present, otherwise schedtool would be
called without arguments and would print its usage text.
* debian/icons/: Use icons with transparent background.
* debian/boinc-manager. desktop:
- Addded Portuguese translations for GenericName and Comment, thanks to
Marco Rodrigues <email address hidden>.
- Monitor is a subcategory of the System main category, so use System
instead of Utility.
- Removed the Encoding key since it is deprecated in the Desktop Entry
Specification 1.0 and added the Version key. - 12. By Frank S. Thomas <email address hidden>
[ Frank S. Thomas ]
* debian/boinc-manager. menu: Changed section for the new menu hierarchy from
"Apps/Tools" to "Applications/System/ Monitoring" .
* debian/icons/: Updated icons to the new BOINC logo.
* debian/boinc-client. init: Added patch to use advanced scheduling for the
client and it's children using the schedtool and ionice utilities. For now
advanced scheduling is disabled by default. Invoke the init script with
the schedule option to enable it. Thanks to Omen Wild
<email address hidden> for the patch. (closes: #423259)
* debian/control:
- Added schedtool, which if installed can be used for advanced scheduling
in boinc-client's init script, to boinc-client's Suggest field.
- Made boinc-dbg dependent on "boinc-client (= ${binary:Version})" or
"boinc-manager (= ${binary:Version})" to ensure that the versions
between the debug and program packages do not differ.
* debian/rules:
- Added --with-boinc-platform= ... to TYPE_FLAGS being another attempt to
get the right platform name on ppc64.
- Changed the BOINC platform on kfreebsd-i386 from i486-pc-kfreebsd- gnu to
i686-pc-kfreebsd- gnu to be consistent with the platform name for i386
and made i686-pc-kfreebsd- gnu an alternate platform for
x86_64-pc-kfreebsd- gnu.
- Set powerpc-unknown- linux-gnu as alternate platform for ppc64-linux-gnu.
* debian/boinc-client. postrm: Use the --system option for deluser/delgroup
to ensure that we are removing system accounts only and mask the
deluser/delgroup calls because adduser is not essential and we can't rely
on non-essential packages to be present during the purge phase. This would
be a Policy violation, see section 7.2.[ Debconf translations ]
* Added Spanish (es.po) by Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
<email address hidden>. (closes: #437379)
* Added Slovak (sk.po) by helix84 <email address hidden>. (closes: #437670) - 11. By Frank S. Thomas <email address hidden>
[ Frank S. Thomas ]
* New upstream release.
- Fixed wrong CPU information on alpha, hppa, ia64, ppc and sparc.
(closes: #406853)
- Use i686-pc-linux-gnu as alternative platform name for
x86_64-pc-linux- gnu to get i386 binaries on amd64. (closes: #366741)
Hence all traces to our own mechanism to override the platform name on
amd64 have been removed:
- debian/patches/ 001_amd64_ disable_ platform_ reset.patch
- debian/extra/use- 32bit-on- amd64.sh
- the associated paragraph from debian/boinc-client. README. Debian
* Updated boinc_client's, boinc_cmd's and boincmgr's manual pages for the
new release.
* debian/boinc-client. {init,default} : Use two dashes for boinc_client's
command line options instead of one because that is it's default now.
* debian/boinc-client. postinst: Use "[ ... ] && [ ... ]" instead of
"[ ... -a ... ]" because these constructs are much easier to read.
* debian/boinc-client. preinst: Use dpkg-query instead of poking directly
into the dpkg status file. See this thread for more information:
http://lists.debian. org/debian- devel/2007/ 05/msg01070. html
* debian/conffiles/ {cc_config. xml,global_ prefs_override. xml}: Added comments
which explain the purpose of each configuration file and which contain
URLs to upstream documentation for each of them.
* debian/copyright:
- State that the source code is obtained via Subversion (and not via CVS)
and added a pointer to debian/README. Debian- source.
- Updated for the new release.
* Added /usr/share/bug/boinc- client/ script which pastes boinc-client's
init script configuration file (/etc/default/boinc-client) into bug
reports because this might be helpful for debugging.
* extra/bash/boinc: Added bash completion for boinc_client and boinc_cmd.
* debian/rules:
- Don't ignore $(MAKE) distclean errors to make lintian happy.
- Install unstripped versions of boinc_client, boinc_cmd and boincmgr
and let dh_strip do this job for us. Now building BOINC with
DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS= "nostrip" actually does what it should do.
* debian/patches/: Added 002_remove_hardcoded_ optimization. patch to remove
hardcoded compiler flags from client/Makefile.am and to make debian/rules
the only place again where compiler flags are defined.
(probably closes: #427661)
* New boinc-dbg package added to provide debugging symbols for BOINC
* debian/boinc-dev. {install, links}:
- Don't install lib/common_defs.h manually, "make install" does this now.
- Create a symlink in /usr/share/boinc-dev/ lib/ to the new str_util.h. [ Steffen Moeller ]
* Smallish changes to Debian READMEs and man pages.[ Debconf translations ]
* Added Portuguese (pt.po) by Miguel Figueiredo <email address hidden>.
(closes: #428278)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/karmic/boinc