- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/ubuntu/gutsy-updates/poppler
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 46. By Kees Cook
* SECURITY UPDATE: crash via uninitialized pointer free().
* debian/patches/ 103_page_ initialization. patch: upstream fix.
* References
CVE-2008-2950 - 45. By Kees Cook
* SECURITY UPDATE: arbitrary code execution via malicious embedded fonts.
* debian/patches/ 102_embedded- font-fixes. patch: upstream fix and stronger
type-checking added.
* References
CVE-2008-1693 - 44. By Jamie Strandboge
* SECURITY UPDATE: out of bounds array access causes memory corruption via
a crafted PDF file
* fix for DCTStream::readScanInfo( ) in Stream.cc to properly check
* SECURITY UPDATE: integer overflow resulting in heap-based overflow and
potential arbitrary code execution via crafted PDF file
* fix for DCTStream::reset() in Stream.cc to properly check width and height
* SECURITY UPDATE: boundary error in lookChar() resulting in heap-based
overflow and potential arbitrary code execution via crafted PDF file
* fixes for CCITTFaxStream::CCITTFaxStream and CCITTFaxStream: :lookChar( ) in
Stream.cc to properly check boundary conditions. This also includes
upstream refactoring for easier maintenance.
* References
CVE-2007-5393 - 43. By Sebastien Bacher
* debian/
patches/ 090_from_ git_fix_ forms_fields_ crasher. patch:
- patch from git, fix a forms fields array cracher
(LP: #11865) - 42. By Sebastien Bacher
* New upstream version:
- CairoOutputDev fixes
- Allow pdftoppm to read/write from stdin/stdout
- API work on Qt4 frontend
- Fix pdfimages produces inverted image for black & white image
- Fix error on the NFKC text matching routine
- Add support for word and line selections
- Do not enforce %%EOF at the end of file
- Pad zeroes instead of aborting when rendering 1-bit images
and the stream is too short
- Update glib bindings documentation
* debian/control, debian/libpoppler2. install, debian/ libpoppler- glib2.install,
debian/libpoppler- qt2.install, debian/ libpoppler- qt4-2.install,
- updated for soname change
* debian/libpoppler- glib-dev. install:
- install new test-poppler-glib
* debian/patches/ 006_pthreads_ ldflags. patch:
- updated - 41. By Martin Pitt
* New upstream bugfix release.
- Fixes crash in glib action handlers. (LP: #126449)
- Fixes out-of-place graphics and tables. (LP: #124777)
- Fix crash on amd64 with slightly broken Scribus files. (LP: #123116)
- pdftops does not produce broken PostScript any more. (LP: #124777)
* Update debian/patches/ 006_pthreads_ ldflags. patch to new upstream version.
* Drop debian/patches/ 100_streampredi ctor_overflow. patch, applied upstream.
* debian/rules: Bump shlibs, there are some new APIs. - 40. By Kees Cook
* SECURITY UPDATE: arbitrary code execution via crafted PDFs
* Add debian/patches/ 100_streampredi ctor_overflow. patch: upstream fixes.
* References
CVE-2007-3387 - 39. By Sebastien Bacher
* New upstream version:
- Merge xpdf 3.02 changes
- Qt4 frontend is not marked anymore as unstable
- Support for Sound objects
- Support for Opening/Closing page actions
- Support for page duration
- Improve PS Tokenizer performance thanks to Scott Turner
- Various speed ups by Krzysztof Kowalczyk
- Beginning of Interactive Form support by Julien Rebetez
- xpdfrc is no longer used for anything
- Add AbiWord output device and pdftoabw program by Jauco Noordzij
- Fix security issue MOAB-06-01-2007
- Lots of bugs fixed
* debian/libpoppler- qt-dev. install, debian/ libpoppler- qt4-dev. install:
- updated for changes from the new version
* debian/patches/ 002_CVE- 2006-0301. patch:
- dropped, deprecated by the upstream changes
* debian/patches/ 003_glib- 2.0-configure. patch:
- dropped, fixed with the new version
* debian/patches/ 004_CVE- 2007-0104. patch:
- dropped, fixed with the new version
* debian/patches/ 005_fix_ inverted_ text_from_ bug_8944. patch:
- dropped, fixed with the new version
* debian/rules:
- drop sysconfdir hack, not required with the new version
- updated shlibs version - 38. By Martin Pitt
* Merge to Debian unstable. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
- debian/control: Add Conflicts: from libpoppler-qt4-1 to the old name
libpoppler1-qt4. This needs to be kept for gutsy only (since it was
not in the current LTS).
- debian/control: Add ghostscript recommendation to poppler-utils.
(LP #117530) - 37. By Martin Pitt
* debian/control: Add dependency libpoppler-qt-dev to libpoppler-qt4-dev, so
that build-depending on the latter pulls in the required file
poppler-page-transition .h. That's ugly, but still better than shipping the
file in both packages and make them conflict to each other. (LP: #114186)
* Ship poppler-link-qt3.h in libpoppler-qt-dev. (LP: #117388)
* debian/control: Add 'ghostscript' recommends to poppler-utils.
(LP: #117530)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/lucid/poppler